Gimp in Quirky Xerus?

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Gimp in Quirky Xerus?

Post by Martinus »

In quirky xerus I installed GIMP.
It does not start. What is to do?

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Re: Gimp in Quirky Xerus?

Post by mikewalsh »

@Martinus :-

Is this 64-bit Quirky? Or 32-bit?

I run the GIMP AppImages from aferrero2707@github in Quirky64 April 7.0.1. You can find them here:-

It's a long list, so to help you, this is the latest build:- ... 4.AppImage

That's a direct link, BTW. Download it, then all you need to do is to make it executable (rt-clk->Properties->Tick all 3 Exec check-boxes down the bottom->Refresh->Close). Then just click on it to run. It takes a little while to fire up, because it's unpacking itself into /tmp for the duration of the session; this is normal for AppImages, and this is quite a large one. But generally speaking, this one (V2.10) just works.

Let us know what happens, please. Hope that helps.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Gimp in Quirky Xerus?

Post by Martinus »

Thankyou Mike.
I understand there are different possibilities:
1. Make linux work with its own package for Gimp
2. Install Gimp parallel with Applmage.

I tried it with the second: "Gimp Applmage-git 2.1...." I have installed and saved.
Mouseklick does not work. I can not see wether its still packed or unpacked.

I have more praxis with Puppy packages.
To install Gimp in Slackos, Bionic, Fossapup.. was simple.
In quirky beaver and xerus it looked like beeing normal installed but there is no reaction on mouseklick. Needs it more than one of the packages. Or is it a bug?

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Re: Gimp in Quirky Xerus?

Post by mikewalsh »

@Martinus :-

O-kay. I can guess that you're using the Puppy archiver, X-Archive, to unpack.

May I make a suggestion? You may get on better with UExtract from Jake (known as JakeSFR here on the forum). You can find the latest version here:-


When installed, you get an addition to the right-click Menu, plus the option to install a shortcut on the desktop. This thing just works for everything; many of us use it nowadays.

That's just for reference. Now; as far as the GIMP is concerned, you might like to take a look at the self-contained 'portable' version I've recently put together:-


You can use the latest version of UExtract to unpack the tarball. Just right-click on the tarball, select UExtract, then click on 'OK'. The extracted files will be located beside the tarball, in the same directory.

When you've done that, you'll find the GIMP-portable directory inside (you'll know when you've found it; the icon of 'Wilbur', the GIMP's 'mascot' will tell you that). You can run this from anywhere you like, but it's preferable to place it outside the 'save'...../mnt/home is a good place for it. You can even put this on a flash drive, and run it from there. Click to enter, then click on the 'LAUNCH' script. After a few seconds, it'll fire up; it's unpacking itself into /tmp for the duration of the session, so it does take a wee while to start.

You can use the 'MenuAdd' script to add a menu Entry for it, should you wish. The 'Menu-ReadMe' explains all about how this works.

Entirely up to you, of course.

Mike. ;)

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Re: Gimp in Quirky Xerus?

Post by bigpup »

I tried it with the second: "Gimp Applmage-git 2.1...."

Sorry if you already know this.
But appimages need to be given exec permission to work.
On purpose, they download with no exec permission, so, for security, they can not just run on there own.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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