Displaying CJK characters on Fatdog64? [SOLVED]

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Displaying CJK characters on Fatdog64? [SOLVED]

Post by hungnguyengia »

I tried copying the Windows Fonts folder into $HOME/.fonts and run fc-cache -f -v but even so Seamonkey still failed to display CJK characters. What should I do now? :(

Last edited by hungnguyengia on Tue Jul 27, 2021 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Displaying CJK characters on Fatdog64?

Post by JakeSFR »

And your $HOME = /root, correct?

If so, it's because browsers in Fatdog run by default as an unpriviledged user spot, which can't access /root/.fonts dir, its $HOME is /home/spot.

So, move them from /root/.fonts to /root/Fonts, which is a symlink to /usr/share/fonts/X11/TTF, then click the Update-Fonts script and they'll be globally accessible (you may need to restart SM after that).

Also, you may want to check this:


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