Enable VLC with hardware acceleration on Raspberry Pi Zero
In Raspberry Pi Puppy, the default builtin video player is Gnome-mplayer. However, on Raspberry Pi Zero, you cannot play video using the default player. VLC player downloaded from Raspbian Buster unable to play video and stream youtube. Without hw acceleration, rpi zero is too underpowered to do software rendering of videos.
There are two solutions:
1. Search 'omxplayer' in Puppy Package Manager, and install it. (no gui, cannot play youtube videos)
2. Install VLC player (gui, can play youtube videos). I made a .sfs for vlc player (fixed menu), check link below to download from my google drive. Or, you can proceed with the instructions below to download it yourself. Note: before running this sfs, you need to key in the following command in the terminal:
sed -i 's/geteuid/getppid/' /usr/bin/vlc
Link to download:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-lY7y1 ... sp=sharing
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Steps to install correct version of VLC on your Raspberry Pi Zero.
1. Open terminal, type
2. Click on the 'Configure Package Manager' tab
3. Click 'Choose Repositories' tab
4. Tick 'raspbian-buster-raspberrypi', click OK
5. PPM will close, restart PPM
6. Click 'Update package database' button, and press enter. Wait update complete.
7. Search 'vlc' in the PPM
8. Now, carefully scroll through the results. Search for vlc from the [raspbian-buster-raspberrypi] repo. Click on it, and install the package.
9. After installation complete, open terminal and type command below to enable run vlc as root:
sed -i 's/geteuid/getppid/' /usr/bin/vlc
10. Launch vlc, go Tools > Preference > Video > Output, select 'MMAL x11 splitter for Raspberry Pi', click save.
Thats it. You can now play videos with hardware acceleration, or stream youtube videos using Raspberry Pi Zero.