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How to register in the Murga Forum?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:06 am
by nogueira13

Can someone help me how to register to the Murga's Forum? I can't find a tab or button in order I can register myself. Thanks in advance for any help.

Re: Murga Forum

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:20 am
by BologneChe


The Murga Forum is a read-only archive.

Re: Murga Forum

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 12:27 am
by bigpup

This forum is now the active official Puppy forum.

Re: How to register in the Murga Forum?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 5:29 am
by Flash

You can't register in the Murga forum, but you don't need to; you can read and download any of its posts without registering.

Re: How to register in the Murga Forum?

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:39 am
by mikewalsh

@nogueira13 :-

The Murga-Linux forum was, for many years, THE forum to come to for anything to do with Puppy Linux. Following the death of John de Murga back in late May last year, the forum went into "automatic maintenance mode" in early July. This was the first hint that any of us had that anything was wrong. Although we owe John de Murga a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid - he paid for everything out of his own pocket, never asking for a penny in return - he was something of an 'absentee landlord', and we often wouldn't hear from him for months, sometimes years at a time. The forum was largely self-maintaining; John's bank automatically renewed the hosting & domain bills once a year, and Linode took care of the rest...but upon his death, naturally enough, the legal processes 'froze' his bank accounts, meaning that the renewal payments never got made.

Fortunately, our current Admin, rockedge, had set up a 'test' forum the previous December, to try and get round the increasingly common issue of people failing to receive their confirmation emails when registering, largely due to the old Forum's antique "http" status. Within days, Puppians of all stripes began migrating over & registering here; the test forum HAD received plenty of press in the old Forum, after all.

The original plan had been to try and merge the old Forum's database with the new one, but multiple technical issues put paid to that idea. So, after much behind-the-scenes work, the old Forum was re-activated as 'read-only', which means that it now serves as a lasting monument, an 'archive', of past Puppy subjects/posts/threads. There are well over a million posts on the old Forum, much of it valuable & still relevant information.....which we, as a community, don't wish to lose.


This is where we are now. This is THE main Puppy discussion forum today; the old forum is still accessible by anyone who wants to use it to find information. The whole thing has been upgraded to the newest version of the phpBB forum software, the search function works way better than it ever did before, in addition to which new Puppy-specific search engines have also been set up.

And that's why you can't register at the Murga-Linux Forum any longer......the registration 'process' has been removed.

Mike. ;)