for those having a low 64 bit system
download: ... 1-uefi.iso
Devuan64: ... /Packages/
I am actually in the now very old puppy_april64_7.0.1 with the size from only
121 MO
and I am using in it a very new package from josejp2424 for brave browser for his devuanpup chimaera 64 as above old april 64 includes all tools from Puppy but
no browser
no skype or else
no office
and I am using the new dotpet from josejp2424 to write those text lines on that forum. an other dotpet from josejp2424 did also start willing in april64 also did start willing. is also installed but I did break the installation because I have a very bad experience with is as wine is now insatiable (did immediately require to download and install the 32 bit compatibility dotpet from josejp2424 and as it is a new package, it is, alone, a giant package compared with the April64 distro ! It can't be right to do so... And I know that after installing the compatibility package it will require the installation from mono and more and more and more depending the job you will start in wine . if you can use all that, you can also use the most recent Puppy, for ex. that devuanpup chimaera 64 from josejp2424 or make directly a full installation for ex. from devuan!)...
april64-7.0.1 is under the family of old "april" (ab. equivalent with tahrpup) a very special one with an normal iso with normal puppy_april64_7.0.1.sfs and normal zdrv_april64_7.0.1.sfs (no *.q main file!). you need both in your "psubdir" as well as, is clear of course, vmlinuz and initrd.gz
you can save above dotpets also in that psubdir and hit on demand of those your will use, the installation is really very fast!
sorry, but the iso does not include some remaster help (but taersh did offer us in the past a great dotpet to install easily to remaster puppy in his old packages and modules depository! only, I am sorry, I don't find the link any more to that depository in his signature for ex. in that thread )
the /etc/X11/xorg.conf works after menu > exit >> restart X
(on my PC the screen become darker but after a certain waiting without some action, the light did become normal again)
and, that is important for me, the settings
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc102" #xkbmodel0
Option "XkbLayout" "us" #xkeymap0
Option "XkbVariant" "intl" #xkbvariant0
Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
(don't forget to uncoment the fat line properly: erase the sign "#" initially in front of that line )
I did not try, but you certainly add fonts in /usr/share/fonts and some alternative keyboard like:
Option "XkbLayout" "us","in" #xkeymap0
Option "XkbVariant" "intl","tam" #xkbvariant0
for some Tamil writing for ex. (or use, but also inputking needs the suppl. fonts ! don't forget it!
if you find a way to remaster, you can use /etc/fstab with a line like
UUID=5685fe3d-d0c1-4edc-8c1e-2c1ebxxxx062 /root/ftp ext4 defaults 0 2
to mount your documents partition directly in ftp at starting time so that you will need no save file (growing with the installation from modern dotpet stuff, especially if you try to use wine, see above!)