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luakit on WDL_Arch64

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:11 pm
by wiak

I'm currently trying out Luakit browser

which I've just installed on my WDL_Arch64 system via Arch Linux AUR. I don't use any AUR helper, so had a few steps to do but worked fine. Anyone else trying this and having trouble installing via AUR just let me know and I'll try and give pointers.

Interesting browser!!! Not what I'm used to but seems to be working fine and seems very nippy (fast) - I'm posting from it right now. Actually I rather like its semi-commandline approach (its a gui browser, but opening urls is via a simply command being :open url..., or tabopen url... if you want a new tab. Yes, it's novel but quite nice thus far. Uses WebKit2 API engine (WebKitGTK+). Of course, no browser can turn heavy Javascript pages into light ones... but at least it seems to be zooming along nicely. Uses Lua5.1. Yes, that Lua version is a bit old (but useful anyway, and no big deal being not the most current Lua - Lua is small). The AUR Luakit browser is from its github site and I note it is still being actively developed (with quite a few commits in the past few months), so that is better than I first thought.

Could see this browser being useful via scripting, but I have no particular plans. Fun to play with though.

Seemed to work fine with gmail in very quick test, and Facebook for a moment, but then 'OOPS' had a "Web Process Crash". Oh well, I'll stick to my beloved Arch compile of Chromium, which is brilliant.