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"Thanks!" button (?)

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 6:19 am
by 01101001b
First things first. I noticed quite pleased in the forum settings the tab "Friend/Foe". Amazing! I loved it. Only forum where I found this (brilliant) idea until now was Devuan's. Thanks [mention]rockedge[/mention]!

In a similar aspect, I'd like some way to thank interesting and timely posts without the need to post a reply.

For instance, in Truly Offtopic Conversations > Pic of the day, many times I found great posts, but I'm unsure if a "thanks" reply should be posted; that is, if I did that, there would be a lot of posts from me only saying "Thanks!" or similar and I guess that would be truly tiresome for someone who only wants to see some pictures and have a good laugh :D

Long story short: Anyone who is a member in XDA developers' forum will know what I mean.

One last thing: If this idea is approved, please don't make it a "like" button. That's is soooo "Facebook/Google" that sickens :cry:

Regards! :thumbup:

Re: "Thanks!" button (?)

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:33 pm
by bigpup

Good idea

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:06 pm
by 6502coder

I agree, that would be a nice capability. I know on Discord and Patreon, readers can mark the original post with emoticons, or if some other reader has already responded with the emoticon you had intended, you can just click on that emoticon to add your username to a list of like-minded readers. Much more efficient than a bunch of separate one-liner posts.

Re: "Thanks!" button (?)

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 5:30 pm
by rockedge
Idea makes sense, I'll look into it.

Re: "Thanks!" button (?)

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 9:13 pm
by rockedge
UPDATE : There is a new extension activated that supplies a "Thank-You" button. It is next to the post controls on the upper right.

Please test it out and lets see if it is useful!

Re: "Thanks!" button (?)

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:37 am
by wiak
Never been thanked, never been kissed. The last part is a lie. But thanks to everyone for keeping everyone going here, and especially rockedge for the initiative and the facility. I should press the thank button, but it reminds me of Facebook like and I can't.

It will soon be Spring here and I will try and vanish for a few months as I did last year. I've slowed down to a crawl since WeeDogLinux Slitaz release anyway and partly because all energies, mine included, moved to this new forum for some while now. Temptation gets the better of me though so I usually end up beavering away at something or other in the background - sometime I wish I wouldn't, since I feel like just relaxing and just drinking coffee and so on, but I must be addicted (to the coffee too).


Re: "Thanks!" button (?)

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:07 pm
by perdido
wiak wrote: Mon Aug 10, 2020 11:37 am Never been thanked, never been kissed. The last part is a lie. But thanks to everyone for keeping everyone going here, and especially rockedge for the initiative and the facility. I should press the thank button, but it reminds me of Facebook like and I can't.

It will soon be Spring here and I will try and vanish for a few months as I did last year. I've slowed down to a crawl since WeeDogLinux Slitaz release anyway and partly because all energies, mine included, moved to this new forum for some while now. Temptation gets the better of me though so I usually end up beavering away at something or other in the background - sometime I wish I wouldn't, since I feel like just relaxing and just drinking coffee and so on, but I must be addicted (to the coffee too).

The whole "thanks" button, "karma", etc. is a form of social engineering that is used to promote an agenda on some websites, particularly social networking sites.

Spring on the other hand is a refreshing of all things alive and wonderful. It is simply amazing how all living things are interconnected in some way, shape, or form. Thanks for the reminder that it is always Spring somewhere, all living things anticipating its arrival to renew the celebration of new life.

Spring can also be a state of mind :0)