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Files disappeared from /mnt/sdb, what happened to them? (Solved)

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 4:01 pm
by gilles

Please, excuse my bad english !
I created a repertory named "tribunal10062021" and put in several files (2 PDF and an openoffice text). I modified the openoffice text today.
Now, when I open the repertory, I find nothing in it Image. But I suppose the files are still there because if I go to see the repertory properties, I have this : ... PcCqrGULCg
How can I open again the files ?
Thank you

Re: Files disappeared, what happened to them?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 6:16 pm
by williams2

Is a file system mounted on /mnt/sdb ?

You can show the files in /mnt in a Rox window, right click sdb, and select Properties in the menu.
Does it say that it's a folder or does it say that it's a mount point ?

Usually what happens is you forget to mount the file system on /mnt/sdb and put files in /mnt/sdb .
/mnt/sdb is just an ordinary folder if nothing is mounted on it. So what you put in /mnt/sdb will go into the save file or save folder, or into the ram tmpfs if you are running "live" (pfix=ram) or mode 13.

Usually, you can unmount /mnt/sdb and find the lost files in /mnt/sdb, which you can move somewhere else.

If unmounting from the right click menu doesn't work, you can type (paste) this in a text terminal (console).
umount-FULL /mnt/sdb

By the way, usually the file systems are in a partition, like /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdb2
/dev/sdb would be a drive formatted like a floppy disk.
Are you sure /mnt/sdb is right?
What do you get if you type blkid in a terminal?

Re: Files disappeared from /mnt/sdb, what happened to them?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 11:22 pm
by gilles


Of course sdb is mounted !
blkid : ... 0ER62LKUXg
Thank you for your help

Re: Files disappeared from /mnt/sdb, what happened to them?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 11:50 pm
by taersh

You should try to unmount /mnt/sdb.
Then goto /mnt and remove directory /mnt/sdb.
Now mount /mnt/sdb again.

Though, I'm not sure it will have any effect, but sometimes when something had gone wrong on mount/unmount the existing /mnt/sdb may hide the content of the mounted /mnt/sdb directory. I experienced such a few times some years ago.

Re: Files disappeared from /mnt/sdb, what happened to them?

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 11:50 pm
by BologneChe

Essayez de faire une recherche avec pfind.

Re: Files disappeared from /mnt/sdb, what happened to them?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 12:28 am
by williams2

Of course sdb is mounted !

If you forget to mount sdb, every thing you put in sdb is in the folder /mnt/sdb
If you then mount /dev/sdb on /mnt/sdb,
then every thing that was put in the (unmounted) folder will be there, but invisible.

I would make sure /mnt/sdb is unmounted .Then if /mnt/sdb is really empty,
then you are sure that they are not there.
Then you can do what BologneChe suggests, faire une recherche avec pfind.

Re: Files disappeared from /mnt/sdb, what happened to them?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 1:17 am
by williams2

I suppose the files are still there because if I go to see the repertory properties, I have this

If you think there are invisible hidden files in a directory,
you can see hidden files that have a file name beginning with a "." (point)
by clicking the eye icon on the Rox filer bar at the top,
then Rox will show any hidden files too.

128KB is not big, for 2 pdf and an openoffice document with formatting.

Maybe the file system on sdb is damaged. USB flash drives can sometimes not work properly.

Re: Files disappeared from /mnt/sdb, what happened to them?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 9:15 am
by gilles

Finaly, I solved the problem another way : I used windows instead of linux. The files were still there but as "read only". So I did a copy of the text file and saved it in another folder, and moved the two PDF files to the new folder. And deleted (with windows) the old folder
Now, I should like to know how to do with puppy linux if I have again the same problem.
Thank you

Re: Files disappeared from /mnt/sdb, what happened to them? (Solved)

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 3:01 pm
by Flash

It's good that you solved your problem, but the way you did it makes it hard to say what caused the problem in the first place or how you might have solved it with Linux.