PPM package 'install-chromium-0.1-arm.pet' might a little updating

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PPM package 'install-chromium-0.1-arm.pet' might a little updating

Post by r96chase »

Long story short, I'm trying to install Chromium with a PET I found in the PPM repos, but the PET keeps selecting an outdated version of Chromium. Specifically, the 88 series.

Also, Midori is a bit on the slow side. I mean I think it might be internet signal being a tad selective. However, I don't know how to update anything on my Raspup, so if it weren't for that fact, I would've updated Midori and stuff.

But on the topic of Chromium, how do I update it after installing it?

Note: my Raspup desktop is a Raspberry Pi Model 3B+, which I got a cooling case for.

Best regards,

I am a crash-course Linux novice. :lol:

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Re: PPM package 'install-chromium-0.1-arm.pet' might a little updating

Post by bigpup »

There are very few of us trying to use Raspup, so maybe the two of us can work this out.

I installed the install-chromium-0.1-arm.pet in Raspup 8.2.1
It seems the repository it is going to, just has this older version for download.

In the Puppy Package Manager (PPM)
I first updated the database.
Selected the Rasbian-buster-main (took some time to list what is in it)
It has a Chomium version 90.0.4430.93.1
I installed the browser, common resources, and sandbox stuff.

Screenshot.jpg (16.66 KiB) Viewed 1162 times

In Login and Security Manager I set it to run under spot.

probably do not need the sandbox stuff, or maybe you do.
No harm having it.

To get a newer version.
I would suggest checking every few months, in this Rasbian-buster-main repository in PPM, after doing a PPM database update.

PPM also had a newer version of Firefox.
I did not try it.

In Chromium settings->Advanced->System
I suggest you make sure the (Continue running background apps when Chromium is closed) is turned off!!

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: PPM package 'install-chromium-0.1-arm.pet' might a little updating

Post by bigpup »

I would not get to hung up on updating stuff.

All of the software needs to be compiled to work in Raspup or Rasbian.
The repositories are not going to be that quick, on providing a newer version of something.
Really, as long as it is working, do not try to fix it with a newer version.

there is some sfs package stuff in Install->Install Applications->Choose an SFS file from the official repo

I loaded the Firefox SFS package from here. Runs OK.
It is the 78 esr version, but those esr versions are suppose to be for long term use and not needing updated.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: PPM package 'install-chromium-0.1-arm.pet' might a little updating

Post by r96chase »

Thanks, @bigpup, I'll try these steps.

Also, yeah, I need to stop worrying about updates. Especially when it comes to something like Puppy. Again, thanks.

Chase :thumbup2:

I am a crash-course Linux novice. :lol:

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