No password required after install

Moderator: BarryK

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No password required after install

Post by Airdale »


I have been using Easy OS off a USB drive for the last several versions. However, I just installed a frugal install of Easy OS 2.6.1 to a linux partition on my hard drive that contains a Ubuntu install. I configured Grub2 and it boots up great.

My question is.... Easy no longer asks for a password before booting. When I select EasyOS from the Grub2 menu it just boots right up - no password needed.

Dumb question... but is this because of the frugal install? or something to do with 2.6.1?

Thanks so much.

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Re: No password required after install

Post by BarryK »

That is because the partition in which you have installed does not have "encrypt" capability. Presuming that it is ext4, "encrypt" has to be turned on for the filesystem, using the 'tune2fs' utility. usage of that utility is shown in this tutorial: ... drive.html

However, it will only work if done before the first bootup of the installed EasyOS.

This problem is expected to go away with the next release of EasyOS, as moving to a "save-file" rather than a "save-folder", and encryption will work regardless what filesystem installed onto. That will probably be version 2.8, though might do a pre-release to sanity-test it.

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Re: No password required after install

Post by Airdale »

OK I understand now. Thanks!!

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Re: No password required after install

Post by BarryK »

You can see whether a ext4 filesystem has "encrypt" enabled by running "tune2fs -l /dev/<partition>", it will show "Filesystem features" -- which will have "encrypt" if it has been turned on.

You can still do it after having installed EasyOS. Delete everything in the working directory $WKG_DIR, including the two hidden folders ".session" and ".tempwork".

Then turn on 'encrypt'. Say, if the partition is 'sda8':

# tune2fs -O encrypt /dev/sda8

...not sure, but I think the partition has to be unmounted when do this. That "-O" is the capital letter O, not a zero. Note also, some linux distros name that utility 'tune4fs'.

Then when you bootup EasyOS, it will be a new start and should ask for password.

Turning on 'encrypt' feature of ext4 should not affect anything already existing in the partition. What it does is enable a folder to be set as encrypted when created. Encryption cannot be enabled on already-existing folders.

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Re: No password required after install

Post by Airdale »

Worked like charm. Perfect.

Thank you.

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