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that old CD does agree to continue to start

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:53 pm
by oui

can you remember this great old time :?:

Re: that old CD does agree to continue to start

Posted: Thu May 20, 2021 10:58 pm
by taersh

No, I don't.
In 2003 I was a user of Windows 98SE.
Liked this much more than XP.

Re: that old CD does agree to continue to start

Posted: Fri May 21, 2021 1:03 am
by Grey

And I don’t remember. Just returned from the army in July of that year(2003).
I remember then immediately bought Samsung C100 phone(it's still alive, but it's in the closet):

Samsung C100_0.png
Samsung C100_0.png (54.21 KiB) Viewed 445 times

...and then computer with 512 megabytes of RAM and Celeron 1.7 processor for socket 478 and the main operating system was, of course, Windows XP:

celeron-1.7-sl68c-478socket_0.jpg (15.53 KiB) Viewed 445 times

Re: that old CD does agree to continue to start

Posted: Sun May 23, 2021 1:26 am
by 8Geee

@ taersh

yeah, W98-2 better than W95osr2.3. Went to the bitter end with 98-2 and bought the namesake EEEpc. Then moved to the Atom version. Admin was/is just a frontdoor for problems... mostly big ones.

My celly around 2002-2012 was a Motorola device C139 then C155. I had in those days Cingular monthly. Then Tracfone.
Now that Verizon has bought Tracfone from one Carlos Slim... Tracfone is in the porcelain funnel, just press the little lever.
At least my 3G phone is good until late 2022... crosses fingers and knocks wood (my head :mrgreen: )


Re: that old CD does agree to continue to start

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2021 1:29 pm
by peppyy

@oui That was one of the first "Live" cds I booted to. I clearly remember the seagull ;) I think the oldest one I still may have is 0.7 if I could even find it.

How new was the hardware you booted it from?

Re: that old CD does agree to continue to start

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 7:13 pm
by oui

I have the hardware in the house. it is a "souvenir" and allow to start one of the next Puppy's reading, writing and saving it's stuff on CDR-W :mrgreen: (it was Puppy 1.3 .. 1.5 I can't remember and can't also remember which release it was exactly, but it was one of the best Puppy's and one permitting the most as you only did need an operable CD-RW drive able to read and write! Puppy was independent from all other type of drives...

but to answer you question I have to hold the old bookPC. as soon I do so what, I will give you more details if interesting for you.

Re: that old CD does agree to continue to start

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:46 am
by Clarity

As this thread shares our bygones, I thought my being among the 'really' old guys, you might appreciate this occurring as I approached senior status. I remember...

Enjoy, as we acknowledge how far we've come from those days of OLD. :)