SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)
link ... io7TIgwq7H
While I was learning about system startup. I followed a trail of scripts. So I decided to add a simple function which lists files in relevant directories. Selecting a list item views and edits it, Doubleclicking executes the item. Clicking ACTION executes edits in the Viewer. Edits in the viewer can of course be saved using keyword SAVE.
Directories listed:
So system initiation starts with the bootloader, then to the OS loader, then to the initrd init, then switch root and fire up busybox init, or rc.sysinit,,, rc.Xstartwm, rc.Xdesktop, X11, xdg, .fatdog, Startups or similar. In my opinion one script should do, copying itself from initrd to the new root before switchroot, then continuing to boot to desktop.
link in file
EDIT: S.N.ApP-4.8.2
bugfixes for wifi connect and profiles. Also for showing ether, and data limit.
1) password field for indexed book.
so passworded index entries when selected have a popup gui asking for password and method. However if a plain password is used, that is exactly the same as in the password field then no method is needed, leave empty. This can be used for example with md5sum,
Code: Select all
echo 'MyPassWord' | md5sum
copy paste generated string in the Password: field. Then regenerate in a terminal and paste in the password entry field in the gui when accessing the index. In fact md5sum output becomes the password, which I know not how to decode to the original string, and the md5sum output can take an encoding method.
2) plays radio using DogRadio .desktop files , depends on mpv and DogRadio.
3) send text to ticker, currently depends on DogRadio ticker and conky.
4) IPA function when you need to input special characters.
5) screenshot with 2s delay in tray menu
6) The clock function flashes alternately local time and HongKong time.
7) replaced tests using 'busybox which' with 'type -p'
I like the use in DogRadio of .desktop files to represent radio stations, along with a chain of executable commands, a url field, icon field etc .... this is just like the fields used in the indexed books .... i see a convergence up ahead. Also a wifi network connection profile, or a book could be represented using self-contained .desktop files in this way, as well as other media, anydesk connections, website bookmark connections specifying url and browser to use ... so many possibilities.
I started coding a new network configuration frontend today. With profile creation, deletion and editing.
It is also a frontend for bluetooth connection management, youtube-dl, internet radio streams and media playlists. There is a save/swap file creation function. Boot image installer. Ascii codes lookup, Color codes lookup, morse code reference, zodiac reference, Note/text edit/saving function. Keyboard layout selector, There are controls for volume, and dimmer for screen and keyboard backlight. There is a pseudo terminal function for executing commands and displaying output.
It uses svg icons to indicate signal strength/encryption/connected/open 0-120db etc ...
Simply selecting an ap generates a sample profile configuration on the fly.
Double clicking an ap connects with filled in data. Not necessary to save the configuration profile.
Random mac\hostname for scanning and connecting etc
Internet radio/ local media play with ffplay
view epubs!
etc ...
Dependencies include: yad, ffmpeg, bluez5, wpa-supplicant, wireless-tools, xsel/xclip/clipit libmbim
Optional: youtube-dl, python, bluealsa, create_ap, espeak, openvpn, mutt, libmbim, w_scan2
On opening the main_gui by clicking the tray icon, click help button for some usage tips.
1) To connnect to one of the 'Profiles'
select profile in Profiles field.
Type CONNECTP in SSID field
Then click on the 'ACTION' button
2) To connect with user input
Fill in required fields then click 'ACTION' button ...
connection using data fields (SSID, BSSID, Users Password,
Users Identity, and FLAGS) will be attempted.
... in this case no profile is saved.
3) To edit and save a profile, select profile in 'Profiles' field,
click on 'Preview Profile' button
then in 'Viewer' field make required edits.
Type EDIT in SSID field and click ACTION.
Profile will overwrite or create new profile named
using contents of the 'Profile' field.
You can set a path and name... for saving notes e.g.
/root/MyNote.txt ... or for adding
radio station url or local media to /root/favourites.lst
when in netlistradiofn.
4) To delete a profile, type DELP in SSID field, select Profile in
Profiles field, then click ACTION.
5) To apply a DNS type DNS in SSID field, type the DNS in DNS field
then click on ACTION. DNS is otherwise automatically set when connecting.
6) To set static ip address and subnet and gateway
Type STATIC in SSID field, then in BSSID field enter static ip
In User Identity field add subnet mask
In frequency field add gateway
then click on ACTION button.
WIFI Key Words function in SSID field, click ACTION:
CONNECTP ... Profile
EDIT ... Profile
DEFAULT ... selected item in Profile field will be copied to 'default', use 'Default Wifi Connection' entry in tray menu, or CONNECTP in SSID field.
DELP ... delete Profile
RANMAC ... sets random mac address, and random hostname (backs up original first)
DNS ... sets dynamic name server address eg
STATIC ... static ip, subnet and gateway ... enter data in these fields: BSSID, 'User Identity' and 'frequency'
HOTSPOT ... creates hotspot with same wifi interface as connected network (needs create_ap installed). BSSID field for hotspot name, User Password for 8+ character password.
HOTLAN ... no internet, hotspot for lan only,
HOTBRIDGE ... wlan0 to eth0 ... or ?, interface field requires two interfaces separated by a space. First iFace has internet.
HOTSTOP ... stops hotspot
7) To change channel or mode of interface there is a function called channelmode.
Using Command List and Exec Command method... type channelmode with two arguments.
Argument one is the channel to change to, argument two, if supplied, is the
mode of operation ... monitor, managed, master etc.
To change channel, monitor mode must be set .... so like this
'channelmode 11 monitor' then click on Execute button
8) Bluetooth send file
click Bluetooth button, then select device from list, then click ACTION and select file.
The btdevice may not be capable of receiving a file.
This function does not yet check for that capability.
BT Key Words function in SSID field in btscan function, click ACTION:
CONNECTB ... pair and connect MAC
TRUST ... for auto connection to MAC
PAIR ...
REMOVE ... remove saved MAC
SEND ... send file to device
NOPIN ... receive files without prompt
PAIRABLE ... let other devices pair with your device
DISCOVERABLE ... let other devices discover your device
POWER ... power on your adapter
SELECT ... select which adapter to use
SERIAL ... create serial connection com4
Other Key Words
SCENE ... executes $HOME/.scene
NEWSCENE ... creates $HOME/.scene with bt device, wifi, media stream, DNS, volume, brightness, keyboard backlight, and contents of Viewer, which should be a list of 'executable file' eg 'evince /root/Downloads/stemsee.pdf', drag'n'drop file for full path.
Connect wifi, then bluetooth audio, then stream or media then type
NEWSCENE in SSID field and click ACTION
Desktop files viewer/editor/execution
Icon lists from /usr/share/pixmaps
color codes function and sample list
savefile and swapfile creator
added ascii lookup function. just add start and end ascii numbers to view a range of ascii code and characters.
added morsefn reference morse code and pronunciations
restored default connection at startup
a couple of typos.
1) Data Limit GUI has data meter reset. Also by setting data limit to zero turns data limit off.
2) Data Limit has better integration with traffic and tray menu update.
3) Tooltip now shows external IP. And said and Mac from the get go.
4) scenes now have their own directory in /root/.config/snapp/scenes.
5) default.scene if found will be used at app start up, or default default WiFi profile will be connected.
6) scenes are more selectively created in variable blocks.
7) Bluetooth connection to audio device does not start bmixd.
8) other improvements.
Openvpn manual connect to SURFSHARK ON servers.
External IP check.
Scenes listed in Profiles
Hotspot requires two interface arguments 'wlan0 wlan0' or 'eth0 wlan0' etc[
Keyboard layout selection
Espeak function with phonetic output and language selector and speak out loud copied text.
1) zodiac reference section
2) FILE keyword to select view and edit file in viewer
3) EXEC keyword evaluates command string in BSSID field
4) EDIT REPLACE SAVE keywords are equivalent
5) APPEND keyword appends viewer field contents to file in Profiles field
6) Added 14nth field '--field:SCL' slider scale 0-100%
7) VOL keyword, use with slider to set volume in percentage, type VOL in SSID field click ACTION
8) BRIGHT keyword, use with slider to control first 100 steps of screen brightness
9) KBLT keyword, use with slider to set keyboard backlight brightness.
10) GAMMAR GAMMAG GAMMAB keywords ... use slider to set rgb, click ACTION
1) swap/save file creation returns to maingui with slider as progress indicator
2) sfs-direct-remaster integrated
3) Network Radio function had a bug so wouldn't start, now fixed
4) translation and dictionary lookup function added, from trans_tray with menu entry
5) scene will set gamma too
dark theme
1) Single instance mode is now default. Only one tray_traffic icon and one maingui can open, this is default behaviour.
2) key word MULTI ... allows additional instances of tray_traffic and mainguis
3) key word NOMULTI ... stops additional instances of tray_traffic and mainguis.
4) Text in maingui frame removed and added to Help.
5) LTE connections using libmbim [-tools]
6) interfaces does not disconnect default connection.
7) Other code flow optimisations
8) added banner image, one for dark theme another for light theme
9) closeall function, in cases where i run app from geany and close from geany, dirs in tmp remain, this function executes close* scripts in tmp to eradicate all residuals. But will also close all normally started instances of snapp.
Back on track! The dysfunctional traffic function was handicapped by the flag management function! Now resolved with a simple '#' .... alas so much time wasted! Never mind.... Now only to improve the code flow and the function features. ... eip-Pj-Qry
-Several Improvements to netlistradiofn (media and radio stream player).
-ffplay volume starts with lower volume.
-SELD & SELF (select Directory & select File) options in list were previously added multiple times.
-Media lists appear quicker and no longer appear in the tray menu.
-Added device encryption (cryptsetup luks*), not for directory or file encryption.
-backup dhcpcd ip assignment in tray menu.