Very sad to hear about John Murga's passing into the next step in the plan. He was so helpful setting up Puppy in at least two different versions and the videos he made were wonderful. Rest in Peace John.
Anyway I have what I hope to be a simple problem with a simple answer.
Was looking on Youtube/Google search seeking a solution to playing a CD using Puppy.
I have Xenial Puppy64 running off a USB flash drive and I am trying to play a music CD.
Normally Windows media player would Open and play a CD when a CD is loaded into the tray. Puppy doesn't recognize it as there is no Icon that appears on the desktop after inserting a CD. If I tick the PLAY icon it opens a windows that says "Drop Files To Play Here." no files - mpv.
Mmm.....I dunno so much, Darren. pMusic has never worked properly for me all the years I've run Puppy.
Personally, I get on far better for discs by using DeaDBeeF. As soon as you put your disc in, then click on the icon, up comes the wee window saying "Audio disc detected", and buttons for 'Play' or 'Close'. Hit 'Play', and off she goes.....
That's personal preference, though. I just like DeaDBeeF, cos it handles files (in just about any format you can think of), discs - as stated above - and even streaming internet radio. Which I use it a LOT for with a RadioTunes a/c.
Whatever you want to use for playing CDs, it's got to be set as the 'default' player. Y'see, in Windoze, Windows Media Player is the 'default' player for ALL media. I know you can install anything else you want, but that's the way it comes, OOTB.
In Linux, defaults are a bit more fine-grained. You can choose different defaults for audio, video, optical stuff (CDs/DVDs), etc, etc.
Give pMusic a try, by all means. It may work better for you than it does for me; I have a rather odd file-system lay-out, which may confuse it, because I think pMusic is built to expect certain things in certain locations.....and MY 'locations' are nothing like standard!
Re: How to play a CD in Xenial Puppy64?
Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 1:46 pm
by darry19662018
I agree Mike just thought an ex Windows guy may have found it easier coming to Puppy to find what was in the menu.
Personally I use Audacious. Always these days strip Pups down and then add things that I want. Flmusic is another simple app for playing mp3. Comes from Tinycore/ slitaz an fltk app. Deadbeef and Aqualung. Also partial to Xmms - been using that since Redhat 8 days.
A friend handed me a laptop with MX18 installed so I've been using that a fair amount.
As far as pMusic it is not listed from the Start menu>Multimedia or in the Puppy Package Manager v2. I did see Audacious_3.6.2-2 listed and vlc_2.2.2/vlc-nox_2.2.2 and some others that appear to be some kind of a media player, but I'm not sure what they apply to or if they'd work?
Obviously I'd be looking for an app that would be simple to Install and use.
What little experience I've had with vlc and Windows hasn't been all that great.
I'll wait a bit more and see what else is suggested before proceeding.
Be well,
Re: How to play a CD in Xenial Puppy64?
Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 5:14 pm
by OscarTalks
Looking in XenialPup64 the included and default audio player is indeed DeaDBeeF and when testing an audio CD it all worked and my experience was the same as MikeWalsh described, but if you are not getting a drive icon appearing then maybe there is some other issue, because I got a drive icon "sr1" pop up for me.
Re: How to play a CD in Xenial Puppy64?
Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 6:48 pm
by Nanosecond
Thank You!
Okay I did find DeaDBeeF and loaded the CD into the tray. I go to the File tab in DeaDBeeF and in the Dropdown list one of the options is to Add Audio C.
When I tick Add Audio CD it loads the tracks and plays after I tick the play icon. What I think I see as Options would be to go through these steps each time or Save or create a playlist.
I would like to be able to place any CD I choose and have it play after it is loaded. I'd rather not Save the playlist in most cases.
When I Exit Xenial wouldn't I have to SAVE that session/playlist to the USB drive taking up more space which I would rather not do in most cases.
If I did Save the session at Exit wouldn't it save that CD's playlist tracks!?
Please advise!
Re: How to play a CD in Xenial Puppy64?
Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 8:38 pm
by bigpup
With Xenialpup64 7.5
There where some updates and bug fixes.
Quickpet icon on desktop.
Run Quickpet->Info->Xenialpup updates.
Reboot and update the save.
Should now be using the updated stuff.
Do this 2 times to make sure everything got into the OS.
Cd insertion drive icon on desktop
Look in menu->system->Puppy Event Manager
Make sure hotplug is enabled.
Re: How to play a CD in Xenial Puppy64?
Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 8:43 pm
by bigpup
Yes shutdown and make a save to the USB.
You need a save to have full normal operation of Xenialpup and programs you run.
Why are you concerned about saving to the USB drive?
Re: How to play a CD in Xenial Puppy64?
Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 9:49 pm
by Nanosecond
Thank You!
I got a drive icon "sr0" pop up for me and there is an icon in the taskbar as well that enables the player features.
Once in awhile a songs audio will drop out for a few seconds and start playing again where it left off. I'm assuming this could be a flaw in the CD or the reading of the CD via the laser? No big deal really at this point.
Saving space on the USB drive was the thought that's all.
The USB is 16 GB.
Just so's you get the gist of what bigpup was referring to about the auto-launch 'handler' thingy, the following clip ought to clarify matters (I hope):-
It should work, assuming DeaDBeeF is set as the default player (which it ought to be, assuming you haven't made any changes, of course).
Re: How to play a CD in Xenial Puppy64?
Posted: Sat May 08, 2021 11:35 pm
by Nanosecond
Hi Mike!
Thank You! Great video...Amazing Desktop.
I don't see the exact same things as you showed. But, the steps are about the same and I can get a CD to play.
Auto Launch Handler was not ticked so I ticked it of coarse. I don't see the Tray Eject Control window at 1:23 mins/sec's. I also don't see the CD Audio Detect window with Play/Clear at 2:00 mins/sec's.
See Attachment: Do I need to SAVE this session? Am I missing something? Sincerely, Ralph
Re: How to play a CD in Xenial Puppy64?
Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 5:12 am
by bigpup
DeadBeef has preferences at edit->Preferences
Change some of the settings for playback can affect how it plays.
Does sometimes require a little try it and see tweaking.
Ralph, you won't find the 'TrayEject Control'.....that's my own script!
I've now got a different desktop since we last spoke; the old one "died" last year. I'd only just bought a new tray-loader optical drive for it a couple of weeks before it "shuffled off this mortal coil". I removed that along with a few other items prior to scrapping it.
This new desktop uses a cheap'n'nasty laptop drive on its side, sitting vertical. I don't like it, so I bought an adapter lead that let me plug the "old" optical drive into a USB 3.0 port, and it sits on top of the desktop tower case. It's several feet away from me, the way the room is laid-out, so I cobbled-together a script that lets me open/close the optical drive without needing to press the 'Eject' button......because I'm a lazy so-and-so!!
As long as it's working for you now, that's the main thing.
Re: How to play a CD in Xenial Puppy64?
Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 3:26 pm
by Nanosecond
Thank You and Bless You Mike!
Interesting how you make/design things as you go along..and often make them personal. Heck! we need more people like you to help make this world a better place.
Everyone on Puppy is nice and helpful.
Please take good care & Stay healthy.
We'll keep in touch more in the days to come.
I actually made that one available as a .pet package. It only really works for open and close with a tray-loader, though; these are motorised in both directions, of course.
Laptop drives only have a release mechanism (if an optical drive is fitted, that is), so will "open".....but have to be manually pushed shut by hand.