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Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:37 pm
by MrAccident

Is there a lightweight program for that? Since the Pale Moon Gmail extension became inactive, and who knows if it will come back.

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 9:58 pm
by puppy_apprentice

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 10:34 pm
by MrAccident

@puppy_apprentice - I just need something lightweight, that works well in FossaPup; do you have a recommendation?

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:02 pm
by puppy_apprentice

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 11:20 pm
by MrAccident

@puppy_apprentice - I don't know how to do that. And these give notifications?
Also - will be good if the program can be added to start.

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 6:47 am
by puppy_apprentice

I don't have Google account. If those scripts will work for you - you get list of messages from console, there will be no problem to make gui app from this script using gtkdialog that will check your account periodically and show proper notification.

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sat May 01, 2021 10:41 pm
by ThruHammer

PA, mate - there's no testing without a Gmail account.


A-Man.. Want something lightweight that works well in FossaPup?



You first need to go into Gmail and setup an "app password" using Pups hostname.

Once done, dwnld and install this txz pkg. Paul knows his sh!t.

Once opened from your menus Network, you'll find a tray item.

Rt-clk, go to Accounts.

Give it a name, load your FULL Gmail, "AppPasswd" and OK.

Set your prefs via the same rt-clk method.

If you've done everything right, hoovering over GM's QuickCheck tray icon will pop-up your list of unread emails.

Won and Done!

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 11:39 am
by Trapster

This is what I use to check gmail.
It will only list the unread subjects & authors, not the whole email.
You'll need something else to read the actual email.

Code: Select all

#Filename: gmail
#Description: Fetch gmail tool


SHOW_COUNT=5 # No of recent unread mails to be shown


curl  -u $username:$password --silent "" | \
tr -d '\n' | sed 's:</entry>:\n:g' |\
 sed 's/.*<title>\(.*\)<\/title.*<author><name>\([^<]*\)<\/name><email>\([^<]*\).*/Author: \2 [\3] \nSubject: \1\n/' | \
head -n $(( $SHOW_COUNT * 3 ))

# gmail

Author: me []
Subject: virus scan results

Author: Walmart []
Subject: You placed an order

Author: Clara at Boxdo []
Subject: Your order #xxxxxx has been delivered

Author: SiriusXM []
Subject: 🔵 NEW NOTIFICATION. Enclosed Your Next ⑦ Days of Listening

Author: Clara at Boxdo []
Subject: Your order #xxxxxx is in transit

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 6:44 pm
by MrAccident

@ThruHammer - I don't understand what is "Pups hostname".

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 7:43 pm
by ThruHammer

Either open your Internet icon from the tray, Interfaces / Hostname or type it into a terminal.

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 8:13 pm
by MrAccident

I didn't understand that, but never mind ― I don't want to use the "2-Step Verification" thing; it's a PITA. I thought it's going to be easy, cause I had Gmail Notifier in Pale Moon. I'll just keep Gmail open in my second browser - SeaMonkey; and maybe there will be an extension some day.

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 8:25 pm
by ThruHammer

Type "hostname" into a terminal.

Google needs to identify the device you'll be connecting with (puppypcxxxxx).

After initial setup there IS NO two-step verification. Simply hoover and read.

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 8:26 pm
by MrAccident

Actually... I was able to install X-Notifier; the following file →

I should use "Gmail™ Notifier (restartless)" ― but I can't find it online.
It requires the following script:

Code: Select all

/*********************************************************** Gmail ***********************************************************/ var name="Gmail.fix"; var ver="2017-05-11"; var supportInboxOnly=true; var supportShowFolders=true; var supportIncludeSpam=true; function init(){ this.initStage=ST_PRE; this.loginData=["", "Email","Passwd","PersistentCookie=yes"]; this.baseURL=""; this.viewDomain="(mail|accounts)"; this.dataURL=this.baseURL; this.viewURL=this.baseURL; } function getIconURL(){ return ""; } function checkLogin(aData){ switch(this.stage){ case ST_CHECK: this.getHtml(this.baseURL); return false; case ST_CHECK+1: var fnd=aData.match(/\"https:\/\/\/Logout/); if(fnd){//logged in this.stage=ST_LOGIN_RES+1; return this.process(aData); }else{ this.cookieManager.clear(); this.stage=this.initStage; return this.process(""); } } this.onError(); return true; } function isLoggedIn(aData){ var reg=new RegExp("\"\\/mail(?:\\/u\\/(\\d+))?\",\\S+?,\"(\\S+?)\""); var fnd=aData.match(reg); var fnd2=aData.match(/GM_ACTION_TOKEN="(\S+?)"/); if(fnd&&fnd2){ this.viewURL=this.baseURL+(fnd[1]?"u/"+fnd[1]:""); this.dataURL=this.viewURL+"?ui=2&ik="+fnd[2]+"&at="+fnd2[1]+"&view=tl&start=0&num=25&rt=c&as_has=is%3Aunread&as_subset="+(this.inboxOnly?"inbox":"all")+"&search=adv"; var fnd3=aData.match(/"sx_iosc"\s*,\s*"(\S+?)"/); if(fnd3){ if((fnd3[1]=="^u|"||fnd3[1]=="^t|"))this.useInboxCount=true; if(fnd3[1].match(/\^smartlabel_personal\|\S+/))this.smList=fnd3[1].split("|"); } var fnd4=aData.match(/"ix_ioiut"\s*,\s*"(\S+?)"/); if(fnd4&&fnd4[1]=="1")this.useInboxCount=true; this.UI=2; return 1; } //basic HTML fnd=aData.match(/<base href="(\S+?)">/); if(fnd){ this.viewURL=fnd[1]; this.dataURL=fnd[1]+"?s=q&q=is%3Aunread"+(this.inboxOnly?"+in%3Ainbox":""); this.UI=0; return 1; } return -1; } function process(aData,aHttp) { //dout(this.user+" "+this.stage); if(this.debug)dlog("\t"+this.user+"\t"+this.stage,aData); switch(this.stage){ case ST_PRE: try{ var s=this.main.prefBranch.getCharPref("accounts.[""#"+this.user+"].cookie"); s=s.split("\t"); this.cookieManager.addCookies(s[0],s[1]); }catch(e){} this.getHtml(""); return false; case ST_PRE_RES: var form=this.getForm(aData,"gaia_loginform",true); if(form){ this.stage=ST_LOGIN; this.getHtml("",this.loginData[LOGIN_POST]+"&"+form[1]); return false; } break; case ST_LOGIN_RES: var form=this.getForm(aData,"challenge",true); if(form){//2-step verification this.form=form; this.stage=ST_LOGIN_RES+2; this.openAuthDialog(,this.user,null); return true; } ++this.stage; case ST_LOGIN_RES+1: if(this.isLoggedIn(aData)==1){ if(this.enableCategory||this.smList){ var fnd=aData.match(/\["sld",\[(\[[\s\S]+?\])\]/); if(fnd){ var re=/\["(.+?)"\s*,\s*"(.+?)"/g; var o; this.smartlabel={}; while ((o = re.exec(fnd[1])) != null){ var fn=unescape(o[2].replace(/\\u/g,"%u")) this.smartlabel[o[1]]=fn; } } } this.stage=ST_DATA; } break; case (ST_LOGIN_RES+2)://2-step verification if(aData){ this.getHtml(""+this.form[0],this.form[1]+"&Pin="+encodeURIComponent(aData)+"&TrustDevice=on"); delete this.form; return false; } break; case (ST_LOGIN_RES+3)://2-step verification var ck=this.cookieManager.findCookieString("","SMSV"); if(ck){ this.main.prefBranch.setCharPref("accounts.[""#"+this.user+"].cookie",aHttp.URI.spec+"\t"+ck); } this.stage=ST_LOGIN_RES; return this.process(aData,aHttp); } return this.baseProcess(aData,aHttp); } function getCount(aData){ var fnd; if(this.UI==2){ if(this.inboxOnly)fnd=aData.match(this.useInboxCount||this.enableCategory==2?/"ld",\[[\S\s]*?\["\^i",(\d+)/:/"ld",\[\["\^ig?",(\d+)/); else fnd=aData.match(/\["ti",.+?,(\d+)/); if(fnd){ if(this.includeSpam){ var fnd2=aData.match(/"ld",\[\[[\S\s]+?"\^s",(\d+)/); if(fnd2){ var spam=parseInt(fnd2[1]); if(spam>0){ this.spam=spam; return parseInt(fnd[1])+(this.includeSpam==2?this.spam:0); } } } return fnd[1]; }else return -1; }else{ var spam=0; if(this.includeSpam){ fnd=aData.match(/<a href="\?s=m"\s*\S+?\((\d+)\)/); if(fnd){ spam=parseInt(fnd[1]); if(spam>0){ this.spam=spam; if(this.includeSpam!=2)spam=0; } } } if(this.inboxOnly){ fnd=aData.match(/<\/h2>\s*<tr>\s*<td[\s\S]+?<a[\s\S]+?>.+?(?:&nbsp;\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*\))?\s*</); return fnd?((fnd[1]?parseInt(fnd[1]):0)+spam):-1; }else{ fnd=aData.match(/nvp_bbu_go[\s\S]+?<\/td>([\s\S]+?)<\/table>/); if(fnd){ var n=0; var fnd2=fnd[1].match(/<b>(\S+)<\/b>(.+?)<b>(\d+)<\/b>(.+?)<b>(\S+)<\/b>/); if(fnd2){ if(fnd2[2].indexOf("-")!=-1)n=isNaN(parseInt(fnd2[5]))?200:fnd2[5]; else if(fnd2[4].indexOf("-")!=-1)n=isNaN(parseInt(fnd2[1]))?200:fnd2[1]; } return parseInt(n)+spam; }else return -1; } } } function getData(aData){ var obj={}; if(!this.showFolders)return obj; var ar=[]; var fnd; if(this.UI==2){ var d=aData; fnd=null; var list=[]; while(fnd=d.match(/\n(\d+?)(\n([\S\s]+))/)){ d=fnd[2].substring(0,fnd[1]); d=d.replace(/\[\s*,/g,"[null,").replace(/,\s*(?=,)/g,",null").replace(/,\s*\]/g,",null]"); var o=JSON.parse(d); list=list.concat(o); d=fnd[3]; } fnd=null; for(var i=0;i<list.length;i++){ if(list[i][0]=="ld"){ fnd=list[i]; break; } } if(fnd){ if(fnd[2]){ var t=fnd[2]; for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++){ var o=t[i]; if(o[1]>0){ ar.push({id:o[0],count:o[1]}); } } } if(this.enableCategory||this.smList){ if(fnd[4]){ var t=fnd[4]; var slb={"social":"social","promo":"promotions","notification":"updates","group":"forums"}; for(var i=0;i<t.length;i++){ var o=t[i]; if(this.enableCategory||this.smList.indexOf(o[0])!=-1){ if(o[1]>0){ ar.push({id:"#category/"+slb[o[0].substring(12)],title:this.smartlabel?this.smartlabel[o[0]]:o[0],count:o[1]}); } } } } } } }else{ fnd=aData.match(/<td class="?lb"?>([\s\S]+?)<a class="ml"/); if(fnd){ var re=/<a href="(\S+?)">\s*<font[\s\S]+?>(.+?)(?:&nbsp;\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*\))?\s*</g; var o; while ((o = re.exec(fnd[1])) != null){ if(parseInt(o[3])>0){ ar.push({id:o[2],count:o[3]}); } } } } if(this.spam!=null){ ar.push({id:"Spam",count:this.spam}); delete this.spam; } if(ar)obj.folders=ar; return obj; } function getViewURL(aFolder){ if(aFolder){ if(aFolder=="Spam"){ if(this.UI==2)return this.viewURL+"#spam"; else return this.viewURL+"?s=m"; } if(this.UI==2){ if(aFolder.indexOf("#category/")==0)return this.viewURL+aFolder; else return this.viewURL+"#label/"+encodeURIComponent(aFolder); }else return this.viewURL+"?s=l&l="+encodeURIComponent(aFolder); } return this.viewURL; }

Does anyone know how to add the script? I probably didn't do it correctly. I made a file called Gmail.js(cause it recognizes these files); and put the script into it, and added that; it doesn't work.

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 8:29 pm
by ThruHammer



If there's something I've written that you DON'T understand, SPEAK UP.

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 9:09 pm
by MrAccident

@ThruHammer - OK, works. And there really isn't the 2-step etc, every time; it was because I logged-in with Chromium for the first time. Well, there is a reason for my name...
Thank you.

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 9:14 pm
by ThruHammer

It works? Really?

Drop us a screenshot!

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 9:16 pm
by MrAccident

@ThruHammer - actually - one more question ― do you know how to change the browser for GMailQuickCheck only? I mean when I go to mail-box from the program. Cause Pale Moon is always connected to a different Google account, so I don't end in my mail-box; so I prefer to use SeaMonkey for it.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 9:22 pm
by MrAccident
ThruHammer wrote: ↑Sun May 02, 2021 9:14 pm

Drop us a screenshot!

Not much to see:

GMailQuickCheck.png (6.63 KiB) Viewed 758 times

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 9:23 pm
by ThruHammer

GMQC is NOT browser based, so, I'm not sure what you're asking.

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 9:26 pm
by ThruHammer

OK. You don't have a worthy SS app. You need one with a time delay so you can capture your hoover popup.

I have a suggestion..

Nevermind. I see it's running.

Does it in fact list your unopened emails when hoovering?

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 9:57 pm
by MrAccident

Yes, it shows the Email messages; I just didn't want to show them.

ThruHammer wrote: ↑Sun May 02, 2021 9:23 pm

GMQC is NOT browser based, so, I'm not sure what you're asking.

Actually - it's a confusing thing. I mean - when I double-click GMailQuickCheck, or click "Compose Mail" ― it opens up a new tab in Pale Moon ― but it's the Google account where I don't use Gmail. I don't know why it goes to that account. Maybe it relates to the address of this account - Notice the "/b/0/". While when I do Google search (with "g" Keyword) ― it's with the main Google account. Maybe I should ask in Pale Moon's forum?

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 11:03 pm
by ThruHammer

Now "Compose Mail" is NOT what this thread is about.

You asked for the ability to receive new mail notifications.

This is what was delivered.

If you need to respond to these then you need to be continuously signed in.

Re: Software for Email notifications from Gmail (maybe Protonmail)?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 12:04 am
by MrAccident

OK, solved it - by clearing "google" cookies, and logging-into that Google account.