Ableton Live 10/11 x64 (Linux/Wine)

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Ableton Live 10/11 x64 (Linux/Wine)

Post by Noelinar »

Hello Guys, My name is Tommy Noelinar and I'm a Linux Ableton Dj Producer & Remixer with my Colleagues "Daniel Verdun & Derkommissar" (We Produce since 2009). First of all I wanna say that PuppyLinux it's far far away one of the Bests OS this Planet could ever have, and honestly, Thank you a lot for that, even with a HDD it's Faster than another OS using SSD. I'm seriously planning to Donate these days, Keep the Incredible Job up.

I've already Reviewed you with 10 in DistroWatch Website.

I'm making this Post for 2 Reasons:

1.- Because I wanna show People Linux it's a 90% Compatible with Windows DAWs and VSTs Instruments/Plugins finally (The Dream Came True). You gotta use Wine x64 Bits + 32 Bits Compatibility SFS for it; If your question is "Does it work with practically Every VST Instrument/Plugin?" The answer is YES, and HERE you have Proofs of Every VST I got installed on my Bionic PuppyLinux 8.5 - Ableton 10.0.6 Versions.


2.- Most of the Most Important VSTs around the World including Instruments & Bundles, Work Perfectly; Maybe some of them (A 10% normally) don't because of their "Complicated GUI for Wine" as Waves/iZotope/iLok, Etc and those ones.

If you have another question like "It Works with Keygens and this or whatever", the Answer is YES. But you should add these lines to your Console first to Apply them in WINE/WineTricks:

Code: Select all

winetricks vcrun6sp6

(I'm not motivating you to make piracy, I'm just sharing you an important Fix for running Windows Patches or MSI Installers via WINE correctly when normally isn't possible if you don't add this command lines to your Console. If you don't add those lines you won't be able to run any of those "Activators" and it will show up an error saying something similar to this "ISSKINU.DLL ERROR"

The Hadware Sound Settings are these ones:


¿May I use MIDI Keyboards and Routing Same as in Windows/Mac OSX?

YES, You can exactly the same. Linux will normally detect them (Always if everything it's installed via WINE x64, I mean Drivers)

By the way, I've got an Audient ID14/Tascam USB 4x4 Audio Interfaces with a Clavia Nord Stage 4 Synthetizer. They work like a Charm.

Some Examples of Ableton Remixes Created with Bionic PuppyLinux 8.5 :

About the Sound Quality, it's always far away better to Mix and Master in PuppyLinux than in Mac OSX and Windows.

Ableton Versions Compatible with PuppyLinux 8.5/9.5:

I have been able to make it work with the one I mention at the begining of my Post, Version 10.0.6 without any Extra Efforts. BUT, We need a FIX for WINE x64 in PuppyLinux for Higher Versions as Ableton 11, Could please any of the MODs or Puppy Developers give us the Solution please for being able to run Ableton 11?

Because in Zorin OS 15/16, Elementary OS, Ubuntu, Feren OS Works Perfectly...

@rockedge @bigpup @JohnMurga @cobaka (You 4 are Legends of Puppy and you maybe could give me some help with this)

Same happens with some "Internet VSTs Software Activations" as AudioModern Riffer (For Example); In those Linux OS works correctly but in PuppyLinux doesn't, don't know why really, it automatically closes your Ableton/Wine when you try to Activate correctly with your License Key. But there should/must be a Fix you probably know about. Same as it happens with Photoshop CS5/6 via Puppy Wine x64; It frozens your Screen with no reason, and in the other Linux OS works. Is there any reason to explain how we can Fix this or why it happens in Puppy and not in the other ones?

I will Update Regularly this Post with Every VST Compatible with Puppy/Linux so the ones we Make Music in Linux know exactly which Verified Plugins/VST Instruments & Bundles we will be able to use. Gimme some time to write down the List correctly. (Meanwhile Please check the Plug-ins VST list in the IMGs posted before)

Thank you everyone who is reading this post and same if you find it useful via Google; Any Questions or Help Related to Ableton/VST Instruments/Plugins/Bundles & DAWs you need help with, I'm available to answer you via the Comments in this Topic. Feel Free to Ask.

I Speak/Write/Transcribe Correctly any of these Languages: Spanish, English, Russian & French.

Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

EDIT: These Post became really Popular on the Official Linux Reddit! You can check it out here ... linuxwine/

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Re: Ableton Live 10/11 x64 (Linux/Wine)

Post by bigpup »

The first place to look for help with Windows based programs running in Wine, is the Wine web site.
The application data base has info for how a program is reported to run and any info on what may be needed, to get it running.

For Ableton ... n&iId=2113

Other idea is Bionicpup64 8.0 is a little old and has older versions of Linux core files, dependency stuff, and core Linux programs.

A newer version of Puppy will have newer versions of everything.
Fossapup64 9.5 may be a better Puppy to use.

The version of Windows, that Wine is emulating, can have a big affect on how the program runs.
I am sure you know how to change this in Wine.
For Wine, in general or a specific program.

Ableton Live Minimum System Requirements

Live Version: 10, 11
Operating System: Windows, Mac

Live 11

Windows 10 (Build 1909 and later)
Intel® Core™ i5 processor or an AMD multi-core processor
1366x768 display resolution
ASIO compatible audio hardware for Link support (also recommended for optimal audio performance)

They are constantly working on Wine to make it better.
Maybe you need to be using the newest or newer version of Wine.

Also, Bionicpup64 8.0 and Fossapup64 9.5 have a update feature.
Quickpet icon on desktop
Quickpet->Info->Bionicpup or fossapup updates
This installs any bug fixes, missing stuff, and improvements, that the developer of these two Puppy versions, determines are needed.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Ableton Live 10/11 x64 (Linux/Wine)

Post by bark-woof-fetch »

Noelinar wrote: Sat Apr 24, 2021 5:49 pm

Ableton Versions Compatible with PuppyLinux 8.5/9.5:

I have been able to make it work with the one I mention at the begining of my Post, Version 10.0.6 without any Extra Efforts. BUT, We need a FIX for WINE x64 in PuppyLinux for Higher Versions as Ableton 11, Could please any of the MODs or Puppy Developers give us the Solution please for being able to run Ableton 11?

Because in Zorin OS 15/16, Elementary OS, Ubuntu, Feren OS Works Perfectly...

@rockedge @bigpup @JohnMurga @cobaka (You 4 are Legends of Puppy and you maybe could give me some help with this)

Thanks for the encouraging showcase.
Some brief notes:

Wine 4 and 5 AppImage on github

viewforum.php?f=22 and may be a WINE gateway as well being both apt and pet compatible afaik if you want to dig further into VST ports, look for yabridge and LinVST, some of the devs aren't active on the subreddit

John Murga unfortunately passed away suddenly last summer, way too soon.

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Re: Ableton Live 10/11 x64 (Linux/Wine)

Post by mikeslr »

Just a follow up to previous replies.

I see that you are running Bionicpup64-8.0 and Fossapup64-9.5 using their 32-bit compatibility SFSes to provide the platform for 32-bit Wine. You might want to explore Mikewalsh's Wine-portable-5.11, ... 191#p68191 for a newer version of Wine which also avoids the need to use a compatibility SFS.

Or choose an even newer version of Wine via the AppImages published on github. See the instructions here, ... 075#p68075 for 'portablizing' them.

But I'd note that AppImages and Mike's portables are difficult to customize; and wine-tricks doesn't work with them. You might be better off working with pets Version2013 continues to publish. Version2013 is Puppy's real Wine guru. See this thread, ... p=270#p270 and his website,

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