Par2 creates data that can be used later to repair corrupted files.
You can search for par2 in the Puppy Package Manager (ppm) and install it.
Or you can download a package from here:
The Fossa Focal par2 version 0.8.1 package seems to work in BionicPup64.
Par2 can not repair files that do not have repair files already created.
For example, to create data for a file named pupsave.3fs.gz, that can be used later to verify and repair corrupted files:
Code: Select all
par2 c pupsave.3fs.gz
Now par2 can verify (test) the files integrity and repair them if necessary.
To create repair data files named "my-mp3s.par2" for all the files in a dir named "mp3":
Code: Select all
par2 c -R my-mp3s mp3/
To verify that the file(s) are not corrupted:
Code: Select all
par2 v pupsave.3fs.gz.par2
To repair files:
Code: Select all
par2 r pupsave.3fs.gz.par2
par2 --help
Par2 uses Reed-Solomon error correction. If you have used a CD or DVD disc, or if you have watched digital HD TV, you have used Reed-Solomon error correction. ... correction