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Should package "neon" be in Slackware Pup devx?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:11 pm
by OscarTalks

Not an urgent issue, but I have been looking at Slacko 7.0 and ScPup and the package "neon" which is really just a library (libneon) is listed as devx-only and is present in the devx, but it has a missing dependency libproxy and even if you add libproxy there is a missing libmozjs185 which is not available. So chances are this library will have no effect whatever happens. I don't think it is needed by anything in the Puppy ISO or devx. If I delete it and run checkdeps -system nothing complains about it missing even with devx loaded. There was talk about it being needed by subversion, but that does not appear to be the case. Maybe in the past this was true?

So I am asking the question if anyone knows of any reason why it should be in the WoofCE Slackware Pup build recipes? The dependency on libproxy is built into the Slackware packages. If neon is wanted, then an alternative build should be provided, configured --without-libproxy (or this is autodetected at build time if libproxy is not present anyway). I know the layered file system will offer some protection, but for a user with devx loaded there is a slim risk that a "dead" library could stop something from working.

Re: Should package "neon" be in Slackware Pup devx?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:21 pm
by peebee

Hi @OscarTalks

Suggest you raise a GitHub Woof-CE issue to remove it from Slacko .... I'll try to remember to remove it from ScPup ... CKAGES.TXT

PACKAGE NAME: neon-0.31.2-i586-3.txz
PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware/l
PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 208 K
PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 890 K
neon: neon (HTTP and WebDAV client library)
neon: neon is an HTTP and WebDAV client library, with a C language API.
neon: Bindings for other languages may also be available, see the web site
neon: for more details:
neon: The neon library is used by projects such as subversion.

Re: Should package "neon" be in Slackware Pup devx?

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 11:42 pm
by norgo


audacious needs libneon as example if you want to use the feature "lyrics"
here the dependencies

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

of my system (SLC64)
libneon has a dependency to libproxy but there is no dependency to mozjs in my case

Re: Should package "neon" be in Slackware Pup devx?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 10:10 am
by OscarTalks

Hello Norgo,
You are correct. Audacious also needs libneon for listening to audio streams over http which is quite important. Everything is OK if you have compiled from source. The libneon will autodetect if libproxy is installed. If not, it will configure and build --without-libproxy and libproxy will not depend on libmozjs if it was not configured to do so.

Actually I think the problem is really caused because the Slackware package of libproxy has the dependency on libmozjs (in which package is this?) and the Slackware libneon package is configured with the optional libproxy dependency enabled. Also, if libneon is wanted in the Slacko Woof-CE build recipe (even though it is not needed by anything if no packages are added), then it is a shared run-time library which should be in the main .iso and not the devx, but still the problem of missing libmozjs would need to be resolved unless compiled .pet packages were used instead of Slackware packages. I think it would be best to just remove Slackware libneon from the (devx) packages list. It is not in the UPup or DPup devx's. Packagers (of Audacious for example) will need to then address this in the package, which I have done in the ones I have uploaded.

I do not currently have a GitHub account so can not raise this as a Woof-CE issue there. I was just mentioning something I spotted when experimenting with building Audacious in various Puppies. Maybe I have overlooked something, but I thought those who are in charge of the Slackware Pups might want to investigate.

Re: Should package "neon" be in Slackware Pup devx?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:04 pm
by peebee
OscarTalks wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 10:10 am

the dependency on libmozjs (in which package is this?)

Currently for 32-bit: mozjs78-78.10.0esr-i586-1.txz
esr=extended support release like Firefox

mozjs78: mozjs78 (Mozilla's JavaScript Engine)
mozjs78: SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C/C++. It is
mozjs78: used in various Mozilla products (including Firefox) and is available
mozjs78: under MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license.
mozjs78: Homepage:
mozjs78: ... iderMonkey

Re: Should package "neon" be in Slackware Pup devx?

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2021 6:12 pm
by OscarTalks
peebee wrote: Fri Apr 30, 2021 3:04 pm

Currently for 32-bit: mozjs78-78.10.0esr-i586-1.txz

Thanks for that. I see that package in Slackware Current but not in 14.2 or 14.1 or 14.0 and I don't think it provides libmozjs185 (I should have been more specific with the name perhaps) which I presume is provided by an earlier SpiderMonkey package? That is actually the name of the lib that libproxy is looking for (maybe not so in Slackware Current?).

EDIT:- Checking a little further I see that 14.2 repo has libproxy-0.4.12 which has libmozjs185 dependency. Slackware Current repo has later libproxy-0.4.17 which has NO mozjs dependency of any kind, but of course ScPup PPM installs from 14.2

In any event, even if you opted to add that chain of 3 packages to the build recipe for any reason, you would not want the shared libraries to be in the devx, because if you compiled something which depends on them and then unloaded the devx, the dependencies would then be missing, so my conclusion remains the same, that the "neon" package should be removed from the devx and from there, things can be added as needed or as desired.