[Bug report] Gslapt - repeated packages entries
I wanted to report a bug of Gslapt. In this package manager are displayed multiple times the same packages (same name, version and size). Could some one fix it ? Thanks
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I wanted to report a bug of Gslapt. In this package manager are displayed multiple times the same packages (same name, version and size). Could some one fix it ? Thanks
Thanks for the report.
An example or two would be really helpful.
The only duplicate I've found is fzf-0.25.1-x86_64-1.txz, which is available in both Official and Contrib repos, for some reason...
Code: Select all
# grep 'PACKAGE NAME' /var/slapt-get/package_data | sort | uniq -d
PACKAGE NAME: fzf-0.25.1-x86_64-1.txz
every package was repeated, so it's none specific one
every package was repeated, so it's none specific one. It happens if on repository list is more then one entry
Could you post a screenshot?
If you're new to FD, press prtsc key and then click the Gslapt window. Prtsc again, to get back to normal mode.
You'll find the screenshot in your home dir.
Do you have both 800 and 810 in the list of repositories? You only need one of them, not both. They're effectively the same repo under two names, as you can see from the screenshot. Look at the lines for 800 and 810: exactly the same date, which is the time the repo was last updated.
I had used only the one with 810 at the end. The case may be the repository manager's related issue because I had copied the url and in the result there were in common 4 entries with same url. The only difference was the "channel", with every entry had ("default", "official", "preferred" and "custom")