Request for scripts to complete simple build system
hi all
i am requesting help/input in making my simple build system
the simple system consists of
1. a repository of modules
2. a module builder script
3. template scripts to build particular isos
this system is distro neutral and can be used with virtually any distro (puppy included)
the only thing a person will need to do to build a distro is to have access to the repository
and run one of the template iso build scripts
if a person wants to add other modules to the distro
they will simply run the module maker script
and put that new module in the repository
and list in on a new template script
if they want to delete modules from the build
they only have to delete them from the template script
the modules will not be merged into one sfs file
but will remain separate sfs files in the iso
and will be symlinked to the initrd
so they can be snapped in and out as desired
i only need 2 scripts
1. a module builder script
this script will need to take a deb or pet or sfs file
and turn it into an appropriate sfs file
with its dependencies (compatible with the chosen initrd)
2. a template iso builder script
this script will need to put the modules listed on the template in a folder
and take the folder and turn it into a isohybrid iso
both of these functions are essentially available in dcore
and i am working to use/isolate them now
the dcore isos are on the corepup repository
with the link on the first post of the corepup thread
i am using the dcore-stretch 32 bit iso
but there are dcore-buster 64 bit isos
that can be used as well if you prefer 64 bit
why am i making this request
to speed things up in my project
and to provide amusement to the puppy community
however i do think this system will be very useful to the puppy community