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Bionicpup64 - Scrolling screen of death

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:15 pm
by PuppyandCo

If Bionicpup64 is left unattended long enough, I get an irrecoverable scrolling error message as below

The main phrases seem to be:-
ext4-fs i/o error while writing superblock
loop byte error at offset

This is a frugal install to USB. I am not worried about data loss as my puppy is more like a terminal/client and I have disk images of the USB
There is a veracrypt volume on the USB key which I believe is ext4 formatted but I don't know how to check if it corresponds to the dm-0 logical device mentioned in the error

I couldn't make out much from Googling the error messages - some users have posted that i/o errors indicate a failing hard disk, but it's been doing this for months with no other noticeable problems.

Re: Bionicpup64 - Scrolling screen of death

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:52 pm
by bigpup

Is everything you are doing stored on the USB or some other drive(s)?

What format is the USB drives partition?
Is there just one partition or several on it?

If any partitions are ext4 format.
Did you format using Gparted in Bionicpup or some other program, in a different operating system?
Gparted in Puppy makes 32bit ext4 formats.
Other Linux OS's may make 64bit ext4 formats.
Processes in Puppy Linux, are not setup to fully support, 64bit ext4 format, only 32bit ext4.

Are any programs running when Bionicpup64 is left unattended?
If yes.
What programs?

Could do a e2fsck of the partitions to check for file system errors and fix them.
This is a program you run by commands entered into a terminal.
To do the whole partition:
Need to boot from a live Puppy or a Puppy on a different partition to do a partition check.
(the partition must be unmounted)
The drive icons on the desktop will tell you what the partition is identified as.
partition sda1
in a terminal enter:
e2fsck -p /dev/sda1

Re: Bionicpup64 - Scrolling screen of death

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 11:57 am
by PuppyandCo

Thanks for this, I suspect it's that the veracrypt container has been damaged and it will be easier to make a new one and move the files across than to debug this.
(Compared with earlier versions of puppy linux, I'm finding that Bionicpup64 crashes more frequently, due to Firefox crashes, which lead to hard resets, because Puppy isn't great at killing crashed processes before they consume too much CPU cycles and RAM to send the kill command... and then to maximise the damage Firefox keeps relatively many file handles open for various parts of the profile. It would be great if FF used an SFS approach :) )

But to answer in case anyone else has the same

The USB is formatted to ext4. The Veracrypt container inside it is also ext4
Just one partition on each
USB was formatted by the puppy installer. Veracrypt container by the veracrypt program (no easy way of telling if it's 32bit or 64bit)
Does Bionicpup64 also only support 32bit ext4?
It doesn't happen during use but when all the programs are shut down and the PC is left idle. There are of course background processes, of which Veracrypt is one

I've used the fsck boot parameter on the USB partition. e2fsck might produce different results but I don't think it's the USB partition and if it is I'll find it easier to put a backup of the disk image onto a new USB key than to check the disk from a working puppy.

If it's a corrupted filesystem on the veracrypt container, it's easier to make a new container. The linux version of veracrypt basically can't call e2fsck like the windows version calls Disk Tools. There is also a stupid problem whereby the linux version can't format NTFS partitions and MS Windows Disk Tools can't check EXT4 partitions. Obviously once the container is unmounted it's a file not a device with an entry in /dev/ so I'd guess the e2fsck commands have to be worked out with platter sizes and all the rest - and with these containers part of the attraction is it's so easy to re-create them.

With the error message though... I feel that:-

- it shouldn't turn the screen black and scroll constantly
- it should say which partition (it might be that "LOOP-2" is a logical drive created by Veracrypt and the obscure nomenclature is a Veracrypt issue)

bigpup wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:52 pm

Is everything you are doing stored on the USB or some other drive(s)?

What format is the USB drives partition?
Is there just one partition or several on it?

If any partitions are ext4 format.
Did you format using Gparted in Bionicpup or some other program, in a different operating system?
Gparted in Puppy makes 32bit ext4 formats.
Other Linux OS's may make 64bit ext4 formats.
Processes in Puppy Linux, are not setup to fully support, 64bit ext4 format, only 32bit ext4.

Are any programs running when Bionicpup64 is left unattended?
If yes.
What programs?

Could do a e2fsck of the partitions to check for file system errors and fix them.
This is a program you run by commands entered into a terminal.
To do the whole partition:
Need to boot from a live Puppy or a Puppy on a different partition to do a partition check.
(the partition must be unmounted)
The drive icons on the desktop will tell you what the partition is identified as.
partition sda1
in a terminal enter:
e2fsck -p /dev/sda1

Re: Bionicpup64 - Scrolling screen of death

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:44 pm
by williams2

Does Bionicpup64 also only support 32bit ext4?

No, (newer) Puppys can create and use 32 or 64 bit ext4 file systems.

I think the grub4dos boot loader has problems with 64 bit ext4 file systems.

I think mkfs.ext4 -O 64bit will force 64 bit
mkfs.ext4 -O ^64bit will force 32 bit
and mkfs.ext4 without the 64bit option will automatically use 32bit unless the file system is large enough to need 64 bit.(that is, the file system has more than 2^32 blocks.)

Some other mainstream Linux distros seem to force 64bit by default (probably as an option in /etc/mke2fs.conf.) which grub4dos has a problem with.