Some old info (links no longer work):
On (SBo) you will find two different scripts to create a Pale Moon package. One, called palemoon, will wrap the official binaries into a Slackware package. The other, called PaleMoon, is a build-from-source which attempts to stay close and true to the Pale Moon project’s official recommendations about the use of compilers (GCC 4.x but not newer) and optimizations (compiler flags are “-O2 -msse2 -mfpmath=sse”). The Pale Moon developers have decided that these conditions are necessary to compile their sources into a stable browser (i.e. one that is not prone to crashing all the time on sites that are heavy on media or JavaScript).
Fortunatly, there is the internet archive: ... /palemoon/
and the internet archive didn't archive the slackbuild script but it still exists
If one wanted to try to compile palemooon for an old version of puppy then maybe they might want such a script as a starting point. But if they do then they better download it before said script is gone:
I have removed my contributed build of the Pale Moon browser from my package repository.
The reason? Primarily the attitude of its developers. The main developer is ridiculing Slackware. When working on my initial SlackBuild script and trying to obtain approval to use their ‘official branding’ I had a seriously grim argument with the lead minion of the developer group and the lead maintainer had to step in to appease. That set me off on the wrong foot from the beginning, ... epository/
p.s. the palemoon sourcecodes can be found here: ... n/releases
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