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linux-firmware repositiry as a .sfs file
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 3:58 pm
by gyrog ... rmware.git is a large repository of firmware for use in Linux computers.
From time to time I create a 'linux_firmware_...sfs' file from the contents of this firmware repository.
These ".sfs" files can be downloaded from and used as an fdrv (or even adrv or ydrv) in Puppy Linux. This involves renaminng the downloaded file to the appropriate fdrv name (or adrv or ydrv) for your Puppy.
If the problem is "missing" firmware, you can directly load the downloaded sfs file as an extra-sfs, using 'sfs_load'.
This can sometimes resolve issues with hardware not working because of missing firmware, since the collection of firmware included with any Puppy Linux release is only a subset of all possible firmware.
Although, even this large repository does not contain all firmware.
The files of the firmware repository can also be accessed directly via HTTP or FTP from
Re: linux-firmware repositiry as a .sfs file
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 2:16 pm
by gyrog
The latest firmware sfs file is 'linux_firmware_20210606.sfs'.
Re: linux-firmware repositiry as a .sfs file
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 8:04 pm
by bigpup
Thanks for making these SFS packages.
Firmware and drivers is probably the biggest issue with WIFI devices.
The Puppy version not having what is needed.
There is this firmware directory in the official Puppy repository.
It would be really good if you could post the SFS packages there.
No one seems to be keeping it updated.
Not sure how you get ability to post in this official Puppy repository.
Best I can tell, is you make a login account, and go from logging in with this account.
Re: linux-firmware repositiry as a .sfs file
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2021 2:35 pm
by gyrog
Ah, but the woof-ce kernel-kit now makes a significant effort to get the latest firmware that the kernel being compiled references, and generates an appropriate fdrv...sfs containing them.
I'm pretty sure that those old firmware collections are no-longer used.
Re: linux-firmware repositiry as a .sfs file
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:42 am
by linuxunix
Is the firmware the latest and better?
Re: linux-firmware repositiry as a .sfs file
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:10 pm
by bigpup
Some firmware may be better, depending on the hardware.
If there is a bug in the old firmware, a newer, bug fixed version, could be offered.
Usually if the hardware is working OK.
The firmware being used is good enough.
So, if no problems, no need to get any other firmware, than what you now use.
Re: linux-firmware repositiry as a .sfs file
Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:21 pm
by bigpup
Ah, but the woof-ce kernel-kit now makes a significant effort to get the latest firmware that the kernel being compiled references, and generates an appropriate fdrv...sfs containing them.
I'm pretty sure that those old firmware collections are no-longer used.
Well, what do you think you would need if you get a brand new piece of hardware?
Say a new WIFI adapter.
That version of Puppy Linux, you have been using, will probably not have the firmware and even the kernel, may not have the driver module.
So, those newer firmware sfs collections, of the latest firmware, are useful.
I could give you many topics, in the Puppy forum, where someone just got a new WIFI adapter, and it does not work in the Puppy version, they are using.
It needs firmware and usually the compiled driver, for the kernel, in that specific Puppy version.
Re: linux-firmware repositiry as a .sfs file
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 5:09 pm
by gychang
I am trying to get my Intel wifi working in Tahrpup32 (works fine in Bionicpup32). Before I try to use the specific driver, I tried your method of downloading the linux_firmware_20220706.sfs and renaming it to adrv_tahr_6.0.5.sfs followed by moving it to the folder containing TP32 files (*.sfs, vmlinuz.gz, initrd.gz) and rebooting. Does not seem to work, am I doing this correctly? I have not tried to rename to ydrv_--- yet.
Re: linux-firmware repositiry as a .sfs file
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:17 pm
by bigpup
How about starting a topic in the Tahr section of the forum about your issue.
Board index> Mainline Distributions> Mainline Puppy Linux Distros> Tahr
We are going to need the specific details about the WIFI hardware.
Probably are going to need a kernel driver compiled for it.
This topic is not a good place to solve problems.
More people will see a specific topic for your specific problem.
Re: linux-firmware repositiry as a .sfs file
Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:35 pm
by gychang
@bigpup will do as u suggest.