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How to find and install a driver for a new device?

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:05 pm
by amethyst

This is something I have not done so just asking a few general questions.
Scenario - Older Puppy which does not support (have a driver) for my spanking new whatever USB gadget.
1. How do I ascertain which driver is needed for the gadget (from a system command or otherwise).
2. Where to go search for it? Can I rip it from a more recent kernel perhaps.
3. How and where do I install it so that my system recognizes, searches for and use it.

Re: Adding a new driver

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:14 pm
by rockedge

How old of a puppy? I think down to Tahr you can take even a really new series huge 5+ kernel and swap it in.

Should work and find your correct devices. The script change_kernels can help manage the kernel swaps.

Otherwise we will have to look at some manual methods to determine what devices this machine has.

I've had success with this kernel I compiled :huge-5.4.5-bionicpup64.tar.bz2

Also with 32 bit OS's possible. More Puppy kernels are here ->