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Facebook password Andriod weirdness

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:32 am
by mivison

This is very much off subject, but here goes. My Facebook got hacked, so I changed my password from my laptop. I went to reset my password on android my phone and it logged on anyway without a password change. So I logged out and it knew it again. I uninstalled it off the phone. Then reinstalled it. it knew it again. I rebooted the phone a couple of times, same thing! So I uninstalled it from my phone. Does any one know whats going on?

Re: facebook andriod password?

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 2:02 pm
by rockedge

Just for a review, your account on Facebook was logged on to by someone or something other than you.
You then reset the password on your FB account which is possible because you have access to the email address that is used in the account registration. Now the password is new. This was done on a laptop computer (which operating system and browser was used?)

So now on your Android OS equipped phone you are using a Facebook app? Like Facebook Lite or the other apps that are Facebook sanctioned?
This FB app on the phone despite the newly set password manages to login to your FB account with the old password?

Re: Facebook password Andriod weirdness

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 4:08 am
by mivison

Thanks for replying. I haven't the time right now to look into why facebook on my phone was doing what it was doing. So I just deleted facebook for now. it's not important to me. I just check it on my PC, and I'm fine with that. Thanks again for the reply.