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Save folder usage

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 7:29 pm
by Makarovnik

:x Using bionicdog64. The other day I installed waterfox by downloading the .tar.bz2, uncompressed it and moved the waterfox directory to /opt/. I then created a .desktop file pointing to the executable program file.

The /opt folder is now saved in my savefolder /casper/changes.

When I choose to save changes on shutdown is the entire /casper/changes saved to my flash drive or only files that have changed since the last save (full vs incremental backup so to speak).

For the sake of efficiency I would want to save as little as possible while still keeping changes. Could I achieve better efficiency and smaller save folder if I placed this whole waterfox directory elsewhere where it isn't backed up to the savefolder and put that in my PATH? You know, more static and less writes to flash. Kind of like in puppy linux when you save a document outside of the savefolder. Any thoughts?

Re: Save folder usage

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 8:27 pm
by backi

Hi Makarovnik !
You could place(move) your extracted Waterfox as well as the " .mozilla " (a "hidden Folder on root) to your Drive and symlink then the (hidden) ".mozilla" Folder back to root ......and the waterfox executable back the to your running system and save this Configuration.
Your Waterfox Browser and the (hidden) ".mozilla" Folder are now on your Flash Drive not in changes Folder.......but still "Writes" will happen to your Usb Stick when using Waterfox. So there is not much my opinion.

I for myself did want to avoid as much as possible "Writes" to my SSD ......Running in Ram is good for it.
"Copy2ram" did help to accomplish my Goal.

Since having enough Ram....(8 Gigs)....i used the "copy2ram" Option in the Kernel Boot Line .
So i am running the Session completely in Ram....( just for those who have plenty of Ram).

(kernel /FOSSADOG64/casper/vmlinuz from=/FOSSADOG64 copy2ram noauto intel_pstate=enable changes=EXIT:/FOSSADOG64/casper/ ramsize=100% )

I still have Waterfox(portable) in /opt ....but now is completely running in Ram (fast as Hell). No Writings happens to my SSD during my Sessions while for Example surfing the web ---making updates and save only on Demand..then it is written to Drive.

Another few Apps i often use (Vlc-Smtube-Smplayer) as Squashfs Modules--- are placed in casper Folder---- they are loaded during boot-up automatically.......thus completely running in Ram....thus almost no "Writes" to my SSD during Session in Ram.....except i do a "save" on Demand or at Shutdown.
Hope i did it not to over complicated.
But feel free to ask.

Edit :

When I choose to save changes on shutdown is the entire /casper/changes saved to my flash drive or only files that have changed since the last save (full vs incremental backup so to speak).

Yes .( incremental backup so to speak)..if i correctly understood.....please correct me someone if i am wrong.

But you also should take a look into "QuickremasterGui" .....quite a nifty Tool.


Re: Save folder usage

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 8:40 pm
by Makarovnik

Thanks. I type slow and you got your response in before my eIaborated reply. I do really like the idea of converting waterfox into a sfs module and running in ram. I have 8gb. I imagine I just take the waterfox directory and run dir2sfs then move that to /Casper/ correct? Then I can delete the original waterfox stuff. If I do convert to sfs do I have to do anything special to create a menu entry for waterfox.sfs?

Re: Save folder usage

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 8:54 pm
by backi

Hi !

I imagine I just take the waterfox directory and run dir2sfs then move that to /Casper/ correct

Should work.
But don't forget .......your "xxx.sfs" in casper must have Ending "xxx.squashfs" (not xxxx.sfs -----does not boot.)
I myself placed the extracted Waterfox Folder just to /opt (so i do my Updates from Time to Time and then save on Demand.

Not sure if you can do your Waterfox updates with the Waterfox.squashfs Module .See no Advance in using it as a Squash File instead of putting it extracted into /opt..........
Stop.......O.K. the xxxxx.squashfs Files placed in Casper Folder will creates automatically a Menu Entry.
So just experiment .....

Re: Save folder usage

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:09 pm
by backi

Makarovnik !
Another Tip case you are not aware of it already .......go look for "AptToSfs" .
A tool to download and create automatically xxxx.squashfs Modules .So no need to install.

just try the following:

Start AptToSfs:
write in it (for example) gimp
(------(choose the Place where to save it to)......(it is necessary to know the correct spelling of your Application you want to downlod and "modulise" could look for its name in Synaptic.... but close Synaptic before using "AptToSfs".
wait :follow Instructions
Voila get your gimp.squashfs -

Apt2ToSfs......i love it.
Just experiment for yourself