FirstRibFossaPup64. This is NOT WeeDogLinux_FossaPup64 (which is something else)
This is just a teaser related to a very small WeeDogLinux WDLGO_UbuntuFocal64 distro (build using FirstRib build script) I am soon to release.
But the attachment is me using it in a special way. It is a derivative, of the FirstRib rootfs. Well, wait a minute!... it is also a derivative of FossaPup64... But... the mixture is not a WeeDog, it IS a Pup since using puppy initrd and all their underlying system scripts. All the FirstRib build contains is a fully function dpkg/apt system.
I will document how to do this on release of WDLGO_UbuntuFocal64, which is absolutely a distro in its own right, but can be arranged such that it can also be used as a Puppy Fossa addon (as part of FossaPup64 filesystem - NOT a chroot addition only - though could be used that way too of course). However, best to slim down the FossaPup64 first since most of it is not at all required since could be built up from near zero via the FirstRib apt package manager in practice - i.e. the result would be a true very small indeed Puppy apt-based system (still using traditional Puppy aufs and puppy fan favourite PUPMODES and so on) - becomes as fat as you like via apt install...
As a test, for example, I installed openshot-qt via apt on the result. Worked fine.
EDIT: Yes, I know there have been discussions and some practical successes with using apt installed via PPM on Puppy but this FirstRib can provide a more flexible plugin/bolt-on different approach (and some discussions only got as far as being able to use apt-cache search - FirstRib addon can provide the full thing):
2017 mikeslr discussing josephjp2424's pupjibaro jessie distro
2018 how to use apt in Puppy thread by s243a (up to apt-cache search anyway)
(includes some thread discussion on Pros/Cons of using apt in Puppy) ... ?p=1010671