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freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2021 7:54 pm
by Dingo

Woof Woof!

Xenialpup 64 CE is a lovely puppy version, but there are some annoying things
One of these is the freememapplet behavior

In older Puppies, like Puppy 3.01, that had freememapplet 1.2 if I'm right, it shown in real time how much free space there was in pupsave, useful especially to watch size of temporary spool created by CUPS for printing

freememapplet-2.8.6-x86_64_ta610 bundled with xenialpup 7-5 CE, instead, when I delete or download files in pupsave, takes a huge undeterminated amount of time (not one minute or two, but many, many. how many minutes? I was never been able to count) to update how much free space there is.

I thought is was be a matter of update interval, and tried to modify, but it seems there is no update interval switch in this version

Should I take old freememapplet source and compile by myself? are you experiencing same issues?

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 6:56 am
by bigpup

How is the save setup to save?
Directly anytime something changes?
At a set time period?
Only at shutdown or when you click on save icon?

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 10:48 am
by Dingo
bigpup wrote: Mon Jan 18, 2021 6:56 am

How is the save setup to save?
Directly anytime something changes?
At a set time period?
Only at shutdown or when you click on save icon?

I have checked just now

the pupsave where I noted this very very long delay is a frugal install booting from USB (live USB)
I tried also with a frugal install on internal hard disk (booting from CD) in PUPMODE=12

in frugal install on internal hard disk, freememapplet refreshes available space normally, almost suddenly

in both cases, save time interval in pup event manager is grayed out (this is screenshot of pup event manager of frugal install on internal hard disk)

capture9680.png (38.39 KiB) Viewed 1519 times

so, it seems that it is not an issue, as I tought, it is a feature of USB frugal install, however I would prefer, instead of an icon, the representation of free space left as numbers, as in old freememapplet versions

Has, someone the source of freememapplet 1.2.2? I was unable to find and links on barryk blog are broken. I would transplant this version on xenialpup

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 5:37 am
by bigpup

the pupsave where I noted this very very long delay is a frugal install booting from USB (live USB)

That is probably working in pupmode 13.
The save is not changing as stuff is removed or added and new stuff is in the save ramdisk.
The save only changes by clicking on the desktop save icon, a set time period to update the save, or at shutdown.
So, the freememapplet only sees a change to the save when that happens.

In pupmode 12 the save is changed constantly (written to or deleted from) as stuff is added, removed. No save ramdisk is used.

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:24 am
by Dingo

Yes, it was my misunderstanding, sorry, but I would find more useful to have, instead of an icon with images, the indication of free space left, as numbers, but I'm unable to find the source code of old freemamapplet used in puppy 3.01. alternatively, does anyone knows how to modify current freemamapplet to show numbers instead of svg icon witch green, orange and red cilinder?

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 12:51 pm
by bigpup

I would find more useful to have, instead of an icon with images, the indication of free space left, as numbers

If you place the mouse pointer over the tray icon.
It should pop up info about size and remaining free space.

Example for a save folder on a 110GiB partition.

capture25805.png (8.16 KiB) Viewed 1461 times

Because a save folder acts the same as any folder.
It can use whatever free space there is on the partition.
The personal storage size is not going to tell you the actual size of the save folder, but the size of the partition it is on.
There is no free space in the save folder, only in the partition.

Info for a save file should show the size of the save file and how much free space is still in it.

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 6:43 pm
by Dingo

I mean that I would prefer an old style freemenapplet that shows free space in pupsave as numbers in its tray app, like in puppy 3.01 without needs to passing over with pointer

puppytop.png (108.98 KiB) Viewed 1447 times

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Wed May 26, 2021 5:26 am
by Disco Makberto

Dingo says: "I mean that I would prefer an old style freemenapplet that shows free space in pupsave as numbers in its tray app, like in puppy 3.01 without needs to passing over with pointer".

Disco Makberto says: "Hi! Has there been any advancement in this sense? I am too interested in a freememapplet that shows free space in numbers, particularly for Tahrpup64."

Thank you,

Carlos Albert "Disco Makberto"

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Thu May 27, 2021 12:33 am
by bigpup

Here is Freememapplet from Puppy version 3 repository. ...

However, as old as this is. It probably needs dependencies that are no longer in Puppy or are much newer versions.

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 10:23 pm
by Disco Makberto

Thanks, bigpup! The most recent Puppy Linux version I have been able to find out that comes with freememapplet (with numbers) as default is Puppy Lucid 5.01, 32-bit of course, so this freememapplet does not work directly on Puppy Tahr 6.06 64-bit. Hopefully, Dingo (hi, Dingo!) will be able to modify it or re-create it, or I hope somebody comes up with a version for 64-bit.


Carlos Albert "Disco Makberto"

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 5:36 am
by Disco Makberto

Hello, Dingo (and folks)!

Dingo, I might have good news for you. You can find the source for the original "freememapplet v1.0" by Lior Tubi on a post here:

Also, the source for "systrayapplet 0.01" (a slightly modified version of "freememapplet v1.0") can be found on a post here: ... =15950&i=1

I hope, Dingo, that you can modify "freememapplet" to make it compatible with 64-bit versions of Puppy Linux, and, perhaps, if you find the time, you can also share a pet with us.

I'll keep trying to find a solution.

Carlos Albert
Disco Makberto

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2021 10:19 am
by Dingo

Sorry for long delay. I'll experiment very soon with this source code

Re: freememapplet not updating free space in real time

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 5:31 am
by Disco Makberto

Any advancements, Dingo?

Carlos Albert
Disco Makberto