Palemoon won't run as spot! new install of Fossapup

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Palemoon won't run as spot! new install of Fossapup

Post by wdx12 »


Palemoon browser won't run as user "spot" on latest install of Fossapup?
It comes up and run as "root" in processes.

I tried:
su spot - defaultbrowser
I get error of PaleMoon profile cannot be loaded. Seems like permission?

I tinkered with "spot" permissions from 755 to 777 and same. Changed spot folder back to 755

Tried also uninstall and re-install of Palemoon. Same.

Cannot run as spot?

FYI Firefox does run as user "spot"!

Any ideas. I was getting use to "Palemoon"

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Re: Palemoon won't run as spot! new install of Fossapup

Post by bigpup »

Are you using the Palemoon that was already in Fossapup64 9.5?
Set it to run as spot by using menu->System->Login and Security Manager->Configure Applications to run as spot?

I tried:
su spot - defaultbrowser

The terminal command is:
run-as-spot palemoon

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Re: Palemoon won't run as spot! new install of Fossapup

Post by wdx12 »

YES "Are you using the Palemoon that was already in Fossapup64 9.5?"

YES "Set it to run as spot by using menu->System->Login and Security Manager->Configure Applications to run as spot?"

Running via desktop icon though.

Will try again later to check your "run-as-spot palemoon" command line

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Re: Palemoon won't run as spot! new install of Fossapup

Post by bigpup »

Set it to run as spot by using menu->System->Login and Security Manager->Configure Applications to run as spot?"

Running via desktop icon.

Seems to be working for my install of Fossapup64 9.5

Do you totally understand what spot is?

This brings us to 'spot', which is a classical name for a dog. But, spot is not a normal user, you don't login as user spot. Instead, you bootup in the normal way as the root user, but you can choose to run some Internet applications as the restricted user spot.
This means that you have unfettered access to your local system, all the benefits of root, no hassles with file/directory ownerships and permissions, no restrictions on access to all hardware.
But, you can run, for example, SeaMonkey (browser, Composer, mail&news, IRC-chat suite), as spot. The home directory for spot is /home/spot, and SeaMonkey will only be able to (normally) edit/create/write files inside /home/spot.

With spot, you have the best of both worlds. Freedom in your local system, a restricted user for Internet access.

Run any application as spot with: run-as-spot app [arguments]

Running Firefox as spot is getting around Firefox not wanting to run as root.
Palemoon will run as root.

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Re: Palemoon won't run as spot! new install of Fossapup

Post by wdx12 »

run-as-spot palemoon worked! RUID is spot. but there was warning?

See below ??
root# run-as-spot palemoon
rm: remove write-protected regular file '/usr/bin/palemoon'?
(pale moon:13717): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 10:53:58.949: Unable to get session bus: The given address is empty

Thanks on run-as-spot command.

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Re: Palemoon won't run as spot! new install of Fossapup

Post by mikewalsh »

wdx12 wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 4:59 pm

run-as-spot palemoon worked! RUID is spot. but there was warning?

See below ??
root# run-as-spot palemoon
rm: remove write-protected regular file '/usr/bin/palemoon'?
(pale moon:13717): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: 10:53:58.949: Unable to get session bus: The given address is empty

Thanks on run-as-spot command.

'Write-protected', huh? Hm. Are you running this as a 'Live' session, by any chance? That might explain the 'write-protection' warning, since running from a Live session Puppy is simply loading the 'read-only' files from the ISO.....

Mike. ;)

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Re: Palemoon won't run as spot! new install of Fossapup

Post by wdx12 »

Not a live install (As far as I know). I did install from via RUFUS/ISO to thumb drive then INSTALL from that another large 256G thumb
drive with NTFS did the Gparted thing wiht setting boot flag etc.
It has my fosapup64save.4fs which I extended in size. I've installed DevX and QtCreator and compile test programs which are

I haven't figure out if I need to create SWAP space on thumb drive.

I'm new to this coming from Windows and regular desktop UBUNTU.

Either way its working moving on it.
This Puppy Linux USB will be my retirement computer in my pocket!

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Re: Palemoon won't run as spot! new install of Fossapup

Post by bigpup »

rm: remove write-protected regular file '/usr/bin/palemoon'?

This is just information.
It is a symbolic link to the main Palemoon exec file in /opt/palemoon/
It is there so there is a palemoon exec in the paths that Puppy uses.
So you can just type palemoon in a terminal and it will run.
Do Not Remove IT or palemoon will not start from a terminal entry.

Puppy does some things the Puppy way. This is one of them.

Puppy paths:
▶—— Path ——◀


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Re: Palemoon won't run as spot! new install of Fossapup

Post by wdx12 »


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