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Does Xenialpup's size on disk affect speed?

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:36 pm
by pp4mnklinux

Hello everybody:

I want to ask u a question.

I'm using xenial pup 7.5 with a lot of installed software.

When using windows, it was important the size / space of the disk u use with your installed programs (the bigger space used, the slower it goes). Does it happens with puppy? That is, nowadays my puppy size is 20Gb. Does it work better with the original ISO size?

It's recomended use a smaller size OR its the same because puppy works on ram?


Re: Puppy Size

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:41 pm
by Clarity

This is not a simple question to answer. Size as you refer is NOT the only criterion.

The simplest I can offer is performance "may" be what you want or are after; at least considering your outlining your configuration.


Re: Puppy Size

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:01 pm
by mikewalsh

@pp4mnklinux :-

I have to assume that 20 GB is the total size of your 'save'?

That being the case, question:- Do you have sufficient RAM to load Puppy, save-file/folder and all in its entirety?

If the answer is 'Yes', I don't see it would make much difference to the speed Puppy would run at. The frugal/unionaufs 'approach' doesn't work even remotely like a traditional, full install.....where absolutely everything is continuously being read from/written back to the hard drive, all the time.

If, however, the answer is 'No', then I confess I'm not entirely certain what the Puppy approach is.....and how Puppy deals with this. Others can probably answer this better than I.

Mike. ;)

Re: Does Xenialpup's size on disk affect speed?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 4:51 am
by bigpup

I am not going to give you an answer until you tell us what kind of install Xenialpup is.
Full, frugal, live?
Installed on a CD/DVD, USB flash drive, Internal hard drive, what.....?

About using a pupsave:
As a frugal install using a save file or folder.
The save file or folder is not loaded into ram.
The save is loaded read/write. It only becomes part of the file system.
Programs that have been added to a frugal install are located in the save.
When you start the program, it is read from the save and loaded into ram, to run.

Re: Does Xenialpup's size on disk affect speed?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:59 pm
by Grey

Xenialpup only accesses the disk when needed. You can understand this even by observation: after starting the system, the first launch of a large program (for example Gimp) takes some time, but the next launches of the same program will run faster. All Phil's systems work on the same principle. Here's my save folder in Fossapup, it's the same there:

disk_usage.png (18.39 KiB) Viewed 137 times

Re: Does Xenialpup's size on disk affect speed?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:29 pm
by amethyst

A different approach followed by many old timers is not to install stuff but load your applications as sfs-addon files (or additional drives) instead as needed. I have been using the latter method. I haven't been using a savefile for years and only save small configuration changes to an adrv. However, there's nothing wrong with using a savefile but my recommendation would be to keep it very small. Big savefiles make me dizzy. BTW - you can get rid of that big savefile by saving the contents as an additional drive, like a ydrv and then start using a small savefile....