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How to invoke Libre office spreadsheets from sfs ?SOLVED

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:22 pm
by nashtrik

I have downloaded and installed LibreOffice 7.0.4 on my bionic pup 64,but I don't see any entries in the menu or startup/find run. How do I start spreadsheet ? Thanks

Re: How to invoke Libre office spreadsheets from sfs ?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:52 pm
by mikewalsh

@nashtrik :-

Do a re-start of 'X'. That should complete the process of the desktop entries being created in /usr/share/applications.....and then they'll show up in the Menu. I think you'll find LibreCalc under Menu->Business? Not sure, 'cos I never use it.... Loading an SFS doesn't run through the 'fixmenus->re-start 'X'' business the way a .pet will.

Personally, I don't get Menu entries, since I use the Libre Office AppImages.....but firing the AppImage up opens it at the 'Start' page anyway, so I take things from there.

Have you taken a look at Gnumeric? That's the default Puppy spreadsheet, and from what I understand, it's quite good.

Mike. ;)

Re: How to invoke Libre office spreadsheets from sfs ?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 5:18 pm
by nashtrik
mikewalsh wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:52 pm

@nashtrik :-

Do a re-start of 'X'.

Thanks for the prompt reply. If restarting X means clicking on restart Graphical server/ restart Windows manager/Rebuild menu...I have tried all three,but it doesn't help. All I needed Libre office for was to pull down real time stock quotes from Exchange. Since I am a non-techie, I usually search 'How to...' and follow instructions. Pulling Live data from stock exchange is easier in MS Excel[ by looking at various tutorials,of course] and I was looking for a more advanced option than Gnumeric...

Re: How to invoke Libre office spreadsheets from sfs ?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 5:32 pm
by rockedge

to ensure any newly added *.desktop files in /usr/share/applications to be added to the jwm menus, in a terminal:

Code: Select all

jwm -reload
jwm -restart

this can be done graphically by: Menu->Exit ->Rebuild Menu
and to ensure it worked as expected : Menu->Exit ->Restart Window Manager

Re: How to invoke Libre office spreadsheets from sfs ?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:19 pm
by mikeslr

It is possible that the version of LibreOffice you obtained did not include "desktop" files at /usr/share/application which is where Puppy --AFAIK, any-- Linux will look for them to generate menu entries. You could manually create them. But as you only need one application some of the time, the easiest solution is to create a desktop launcher.

With LibreOffice, the application-desktop files call the programs at /opt/libreofficeX/program [where X is your version]. The spread sheet is a script there named "scalc" [which opens only the spreadsheet functions of the entire program]. You can file-browse into /opt/libreofficeX/program and drag scalc to your desktop (creating a 'short-cut'). Left-Clicking it will open LibreOffice-Calc.

The instructions you have to pull down real time stock quotes from Exchange under Excel should work AS-IS. Gnumeric 'speaks a slightly different dialect' and might need some 'translating'. But, may I suggest perhaps the best solution is to download the Linux version of freeoffice --the free version of SoftmakerOffice-- from here: Both products are known for their Microsoft Office compatibility. You will have to register (give them an email address.) But they don't abuse it. Occasionally you'll receive a notice, the offer for a free font, or to purchase the paid version at a discount.

Re: How to invoke Libre office spreadsheets from sfs ?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:37 pm
by rockedge

I also use the FreeOffice version of Softmaker Office. Good overall compatibility fundamentals with the major office packages.

Re: How to invoke Libre office spreadsheets from sfs ?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:02 pm
by Trapster

If it's just stock quotes you're looking for, I've been using this lately.

Create a file in /usr/local/bin called stocks and make it executable.
Copy and paste the following into it.
(this file does all the background work)

Code: Select all

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e



if ! $(type jq > /dev/null 2>&1); then
  echo "'jq' is not in the PATH. (See:"
  exit 1

if [ -z "$SYMBOLS" ]; then
  echo "Usage: ./ AAPL MSFT GOOG BTC-USD"

FIELDS=(symbol marketState regularMarketPrice regularMarketChange regularMarketChangePercent \
  preMarketPrice preMarketChange preMarketChangePercent postMarketPrice postMarketChange postMarketChangePercent)

if [ -z "$NO_COLOR" ]; then
  : "${COLOR_BOLD:=\e[1;37m}"
  : "${COLOR_GREEN:=\e[32m}"
  : "${COLOR_RED:=\e[31m}"
  : "${COLOR_RESET:=\e[00m}"

symbols=$(IFS=,; echo "${SYMBOLS[*]}")
fields=$(IFS=,; echo "${FIELDS[*]}")

results=$(curl --silent "$API_ENDPOINT&fields=$fields&symbols=$symbols" \
  | jq '.quoteResponse .result')

query () {
  echo $results | jq -r ".[] | select(.symbol == \"$1\") | .$2"

for symbol in $(IFS=' '; echo "${SYMBOLS[*]}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'); do
  marketState="$(query $symbol 'marketState')"

  if [ -z $marketState ]; then
    printf 'No results for symbol "%s"\n' $symbol

  preMarketChange="$(query $symbol 'preMarketChange')"
  postMarketChange="$(query $symbol 'postMarketChange')"

  if [ $marketState == "PRE" ] \
    && [ $preMarketChange != "0" ] \
    && [ $preMarketChange != "null" ]; then
    price=$(query $symbol 'preMarketPrice')
    percent=$(query $symbol 'preMarketChangePercent')
  elif [ $marketState != "REGULAR" ] \
    && [ $postMarketChange != "0" ] \
    && [ $postMarketChange != "null" ]; then
    price=$(query $symbol 'postMarketPrice')
    percent=$(query $symbol 'postMarketChangePercent')
    price=$(query $symbol 'regularMarketPrice')
    diff=$(query $symbol 'regularMarketChange')
    percent=$(query $symbol 'regularMarketChangePercent')

  if [ "$diff" == "0" ]; then
  elif ( echo "$diff" | grep -q ^- ); then

  if [ "$price" != "null" ]; then
    printf "%-10s$COLOR_BOLD%8.2f$COLOR_RESET" $symbol $price
    printf "$color%10.2f%12s$COLOR_RESET" $diff $(printf "(%.2f%%)" $percent)
    printf " %s\n" "$nonRegularMarketSign"

Step 2
Create another file in /usr/local/bin and name it stock_index and make it executable.
Copy and paste the following into it:
(This file tells the "stocks" file what stock symbols to look for)

Code: Select all


xterm -hold -e stocks ^dji ^ixic wmt ibm tsla amzn nvax btc-usd

Download jq from here and save it somewhere in your path (/usr/local/bin) and make sure it's executable.

Drag the "stock_index" file to your desktop and click on it.
The stock indexes can be found in "stock_index" file and it's pretty self explanatory

You can also invoke "stock_index" from a console

Re: How to invoke Libre office spreadsheets from sfs ?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:42 am
by bigpup

I have downloaded and installed LibreOffice 7.0.4 on my bionic pup 64

Downloaded it from where?
What did you actually download?
How did you do the install?

Re: How to invoke Libre office spreadsheets from sfs ?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 10:05 am
by mikewalsh

@nashtrik :-

Actually, t'other Mike could be right. I've not often used it - more often than not I download direct from the site and either build my own packages, or use the AppImages, as I said - but on the few occasions I've used the Menu->Document->Get LibreOffice app, once or twice I, too, have ended up with a package that has NO .desktop entries at all.

Rare, but it CAN happen. :o

The AppImages don't have a MenuEntry in any case.....unless you build one. And then it's only a 'launcher'.....after which, you navigate from the Start page, within the suite itself.

Mike. ;)

Re: How to invoke Libre office spreadsheets from sfs ?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:27 am
by nashtrik
bigpup wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:42 am

I have downloaded and installed LibreOffice 7.0.4 on my bionic pup 64

Downloaded it from where?
What did you actually download?
How did you do the install?

I installed it from Menu ....>>Document....>> Get Libreoffice. It gave me three options , one was 6.x.x and two were 7.x.x . I installed the latest 7.0.4. I installed the sfs...

Re: How to invoke Libre office spreadsheets from sfs ?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 12:58 pm
by nashtrik
mikeslr wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 6:19 pm

It is possible that the version of LibreOffice you obtained did not include "desktop" files at /usr/share/application which is where Puppy --AFAIK, any-- Linux will look for them to generate menu entries. You could manually create them. But as you only need one application some of the time, the easiest solution is to create a desktop launcher.

Thanks a Lot Bro.....Finally I was able to do it....!!!