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Latest legacy kernel

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 8:41 am
by amethyst

What is the newest "legacy" kernel for old machines? I have a 15 year old laptop and although the new kernels run without problems, all of them have some hangtime before getting to desktop on my machine. I'm using kernel version 4.4 at the moment which still boots fast.

Re: Latest legacy kernel

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:23 am
by ozsouth

@amethyst Many 'huge' kernel packages are here:
Generally, expand them in an empty folder, by running (in a terminal, in the same folder) tar -jxvf huge.... then
replace existing zdrv & vmlinuz with new ones (kernel-modules... is the zdrv), RENAMED to be same as old. Kernels around 30mb generally don't have firmware & need an fdrv, which will not run on most pre-2016 puppies. Use at own risk.

Re: Latest legacy kernel

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2020 9:44 am
by amethyst

Thanks, I have used some of that kernels and they run well, it's actually just the hanging at bootup (just before desktop appears) which is annoying with these new ones on my machine.