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Creating icons containing a link to a web page

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 5:42 am
by jarnie

In Windows this is easy. Highlight the url in the web browser and then drag it onto the (Windows) desktop.

Can this be done in Fossapup (to the Pinboard) and if so how?

Re: Creating icons containing a link to a web page

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:12 am
by chris_r

Creating a shortcut on the pinboard to a web page is not as easy as in Windows, but not too hard either. The assumption here is that you are still using the standard window manager, file manager and pinboard.

Open the file manager and go to the top level of the file structure (one level above your home directory.) Then navigate to /usr/local/bin/.

In the bin folder, find the “defaultbrowser” file and drag it on to your desktop.

Right click on this new icon and select “Edit Item.”

Put your web address in the field that says “Arguments to pass (for executables):" You will also see there is a field where you can change the text displayed under the icon.

Now click “OK.”

Re: Creating icons containing a link to a web page

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 12:21 am
by mikewalsh

@chris_r :-

Hallo, and Image to the "kennels".

@jarnie :- Just so that you know, you can set your browser to open with multiple URLs; when adding these into the "Arguments to pass (for executables)" box, simply leave a space between each one. They'll open in the order in which you've entered them.

This doesn't just have to be the 'Defaultbrowser'. You can perform this exact same trick with the desktop launcher of any browser; just rt-clk->Edit item, and add whatever URLs you want into the 'Arguments' box. Don't forget the space between them.

Hope that helps!

Mike. ;)

Re: Creating icons containing a link to a web page

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 4:31 pm
by haywirepc

I use a cloud applications folder and shortcuts for each. As I recall, the command line is just browser .exe plus website, for example firefox in the command line of the launcher. use the browser directory for the working directory, choose an icon (I keep a folder of png icons in /root/icons/

Re: Creating icons containing a link to a web page

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2021 5:55 am
by jarnie

Yes not as simply as creating in Windows but at least there is a method.