appimage-bash-create-desktop-files -xfce
I have a few AppImage files (and making more since I try to migrate every squashfs file to appimage).
I have put them in a folder with subfolders
To help me handle them more correctly I have made a script to created .Desktop shortcuts for them.
This script :
1. Creates a Folder in /root/Desktop/AppImages (xfce desktop) and makes a Desktop entry for all AppImage files it finds
2. Creates a link of these .Desktop files to the menu (in /usr/local/share/applications)
File naming is AppImage-[subfolder_name]-[file_name].desktop
It made my life easier. maybe it will make yours too
Remove the .txt extension make it exec and run it
ORIGINALPATH is the path that I store my AppImages. This script creates a Hard Link of this folder to /appimages. You can modify the script to your paths if you like
Note 1: Some electron-based images might need parameter --no-sandbox added (in the exec= of their desktop file).
Note 2: this if for *dog puppies - I haven't tried it with normal puppies