I mostly use a laptop, so key controls are useful. I dual boot Fatdog and OpenBSD (concurrently available, as I use kvm/qemu). In OpenBSD I use cwm as the window manager - basically starts with a blank screen, no window titles, no tray ..etc. Basic controls are
ctrl-alt-return for a terminal
alt-? for a exec window (where you type the first few characters of a program and it presents a list of matches that you can arrow to and press enter to launch)
ctrl-alt-m to maximise toggle a window
ctrl-alt-x to close a window
alt-tab to step between windows (or alt / to see a list of windows that the arrow keys and enter can select)
Awkward at first, soon becomes automatic/second-nature. Accordingly I set the likes of jwm to have similar key bindings, for instance within .jwmrc having the likes of
<Key mask="CA" key="Return">exec:xterm</Key>
<Key mask="CA" key="x">close</Key>
... etc.
(or exec:urxvt instead of xterm according to your preferred terminal emulator)
Moving windows is the same, alt and left mouse drag. Resizing windows is alt and middle mouse drag. There are also hjkl key options to resize the window.
Mostly I maximise windows and alt-tab between them. Seamonkey browser is nice as its easy to also shade/hide the Menu, url and bookmarks bars i.e. the full screen real-estate is used for actual browser content, no bars, no window titles, no tray, which might otherwise collectively consume perhaps a third of the vertical screen space.
If you click the leftmost icon in a jwm window title bar, typically it will show a range of options that can be applied. In my default jwmrc I have alt-F2 set to show that menu (alt-F1 shows the main systems menu), where again you can use the arrow keys to move to a selection.
Basically you can configure things to be accommodating to keyboard heavy usage, or stick with mouse heavy type usage for which jwm/rox (drag/drop based) is good. Similarly some like to have multiple visible windows and zoom/unzoom individual windows into 'focus' whilst others such as myself prefer switching between maximised windows. All a question of preference and configuring according to those preferences. I guess I like the full screened choice/approach as typically I have one terminal window, one Fatdog window and one OpenBSD window to 'flip' between; Where in the terminal window that is ssh into a server where tmux runs - and has multiple tabs (windows) to select from (irc, mutt email ...etc.); And the OpenBSD window is primarily just a browser - that has multiple tabs, and another box (vnc into a server that's connected to the TV). I can also vnc into the TV/server from my phone (as can others i.e. to share the same display/desktop); And where the Fatdog window has the usual tray/jwm like (OpenBox) window decorations/controls, so I can see for instance the battery/network/volume ...etc. type tray icons/controls.