memtest86 and memmap

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memtest86 and memmap

Post by Uten »

Does anyone have hints on how to use the results from memtest86+ with kernel parameter memmap ( ... meters.txt search for memmap= )?

Annoying as it is I have 3 faulty spots in my computers memmory. It started with frequent browser crashes and weird compilation errors. I ran memtest86+ and it seems like there are 3 memory addresses that frequently return wrong results.

I use Fatdog64 802 modified for nvidia gtx 1060 booted with lickgrub ( from fatdog iso ). I'm not sure if memmap is supposed to work, but I guess it should.

My grub2 parameter: memmap=1k\\\$0x243860800
I have tried several places on the parameter line. Currently it is placed as the first argument just after vmlinuz.

Note the triple escape of $ ( ... s-settings ) I have tried with a single and without.

Anyone have working sample of memmap usage?

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Re: memtest86 and memmap

Post by Uten »

Looks like the smallest space I can lock is 1M.
So finally memmap=1M\$0x243860800 worked. I had to move it behind the module blacklist thought. So basically the last kernel parameter before puppy parameters.

Note that the faulty address is inside the first 1K starting from 0x243860800. To find this starting point I took the address given by memtest86+ and did a calculation like this:

If anyone else needs it I hope you will find these hints.

Take care

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