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I want a modern puppy that boots fast from DVD

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:01 pm
by schober

Can someone suggest s suitable version of puppy?

I have run Wary5.5 on a Pentium4 , XP era, with the os on a cd and a savefile on hd. I was very pleased with the fast bootup.

I would like to use a similar setup on a i3 laptop using a 64 bit puppy on dvd. I tried Fatdog but was very disapointed with the slow bootup (slower than Windows7!)

I am looking for a 64 bit, fast booting from dvd, and reasonably up to date version. Any ideas?

ps laptop is 2.1Mhz and 4Gb with dvd

Re: Fast booting modern puppy

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 5:01 pm
by JASpup

If your interest is a fast bootup, I would consider looking at hibernating with a big swap file.

This is my 64bit Puppy:

It doesn't boot fast but is otherwise pretty awesome.

Re: Fast booting modern puppy

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 8:24 pm
by bigpup

Any of the newer versions of Puppy are going to boot faster than Fatdog.
Fatdog is slow booting, because it has one very large file to load into RAM.

You are going to be controlled by how fast the DVD drive can read from the DVD disk.

Fossapup64 9.5
Xenialpup64 7.5

Only know what you like by trying some and see.

Re: Fast booting modern puppy

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 8:45 pm
by user1111
bigpup wrote: Fri Nov 27, 2020 8:24 pm

Any of the newer versions of Puppy are going to boot faster than Fatdog.
Fatdog is slow booting, because it has one very large file to load into RAM.

In the Fatdog help pages about the default humongous Fatdog initrd is does say ...

Reasons for preferring the standard 3-file setup
You may have other reasons for preferring the standard 3-file setup:
• You're using an optical disc with multisession, and you find the boot time slow.

The default humongous is used because its more generic, such as if booting using PXE etc. If you modify it to remove fd64.sfs out of the iso/dvd and instead store that on HDD (and adjust the boot mechanism to point to that) then the DVD will boot and fatdog load much much quicker, more so if you don't have it copied to ram (direct rather than ram boot parameter).

Fatdog also supports booting CD/DVD style, but where the files are instead stored on usb or hdd. I use that as my primary boot choice as I like the structure/nature of multi-session saves (set it so it never saves unless I click on the 'save' icon, and each additional save creates another sfs added to the set, and where you can simply remove the last save sfs file to 'undo' that save, or delete the entire set of save sfs's after having booted (multi* files), click on save, and all the prior multiple save files are in effect all merged into just one savefile).

Fatdog has one of the best multi-session setups IMO, but does require being correctly configured.

Re: Fast booting modern puppy

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 9:33 pm
by p310don

bigpup wrote

Any of the newer versions of Puppy are going to boot faster than Fatdog.
Fatdog is slow booting, because it has one very large file to load into RAM.

On my i3 NUC Fatdog boots in about 15 seconds... On my i7 it's faster

Re: Fast booting modern puppy

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 1:21 pm
by user1111

Booting from CD/DVD p310don ?

Trick with fatdog is just to use the CD as a bootloader, store the main files also on HDD alongside the save files (multi-session is a great choice of save files method IMO), and if you use 'direct' rather than 'ram' is will boot very quickly (seconds).

Re: I want a modern puppy that boots fast from DVD

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 7:05 pm
by Flash

Schober, how fast would you like it to boot? Or perhaps I should ask, what's the longest boot time you'd accept?

DVDs are pretty cheap these days. Perhaps you could just burn Puppy to a DVD or two and see if they boot fast enough for you. Also, DVD-RW will work.

Re: I want a modern puppy that boots fast from DVD

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:06 pm
by schober

Thanks for the replies

1) I readup on speeding up fatdog. It all looks too dificult for me.

2) Using Wary5 on cd, the bootup time is about 10s from switchon. I would like something similar.

3) Currently thinking of another pupy - pupstrech64 or fossapup perhaps?

Re: I want a modern puppy that boots fast from DVD

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2020 9:14 pm
by oui
schober wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 2:06 pm

3) Currently thinking of another pupy - pupstrech64 or fossapup perhaps?

you seem to have been happy to use wary 5.

why do you want to change radically the system? Barry did publish A LOT of Quirky's (wary is one of 2 branches of Quirky for poor hardware) after wary5 and I am again and again astonish how performant those small ISO's really are :thumbup2:

what are the goals what motivate you to somewhat other?

have you other / new / unrealized jobs not possible in a Quirky :?:

your two proposals stretch and fossa wonder me really!

stretch was the last debian edition with easily removable "systemd" but it is only interesting today for programmers and people having the collection of DVD's from Debian being interesting to continue to develop without systemd. For those users the shorter way would be Devuan and it is possible to build Puppy through Devuan with our distro builder woofCE.

fossapup base on the ugly having no DVD collection to offer to users...

but we have A LOT of Puppy's and associated (Easypup etc.) being based on the actual Debian stable 10.x named "buster". Chip DVD collections are offered as well for binaries as for sources!

and Debian continues to publish and collect software for 32 bit machines so that it is the only way possible today for those supporting to be sticking together with the millions or perhaps billions of user in disadvantaged countries having to continue to wait years before 64 bit hardware become accessible for them.

I find this goal VERY important precisely for the Puppy community making modern linux accessible for old hardware :thumbup2:

(remark: i use yet over 10 y. a good, today a better, 64 bit machine. but my main full install on the HD is Debian SID 32 bit for this reason and only for this reason!)

Re: I want a modern puppy that boots fast from DVD

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 3:00 am
by bigpup

The smaller in size, the Puppy version iso file is.
The faster it will boot.
Because the stuff that is getting loaded into memory is smaller in size.

Newer versions of Puppy are bigger in size, because all the files and programs are bigger.
Stuff has been greatly improved, provides more features, supports more hardware, supports much newer versions of Linux programs, etc......

Also, it has been found that problems were caused, in the boot process, by timing set to low.
Not so important on very slow computers, but on newer faster computers, things where being done too fast.
So the newest Puppies do boot a little slower, on purpose, to make sure that one process is complete, before going to the next boot process.

Stop being all concerned over how long it takes to boot.

What is important is does it support my hardware and give me what I need.

Example sizes:
Puppy 1.0.0 iso is 58MB
Fossapup64 9.5 is 409MB
Wary 5.5 is 139MB

Re: I want a modern puppy that boots fast from DVD

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2020 5:38 pm
by rockedge

I've been working on WeeDog32-Void to keep a 32 bit option open. Void Linux supports 32 bit. Drawback is WeeDog is not really refined yet to a complete desktop from an ISO. But for now wiak's WeeDog scripts will build a Void Linux based 32 bit OS, which with the proper plug file will build different desktop setups.

A bit complicated still for most users so I am working towards supplying a more complete desktop in an ISO form for easy install. I am impressed with the WeeDog32's performance.

Re: I want a modern puppy that boots fast from DVD

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2020 12:37 am
by mikewalsh


I'm going to go 'out on a limb' here. I agree with bigpup, inasmuch as it's daft worrying about boot times. Yet I also agree with oui, insofar as his mention of Barry's series of 'Quirkies', etc; they really were some brilliant Puppies, and have much to recommend them.....and are still perfectly usable even today.

I'm going to suggest you try jrb's 64-bit 'lite' spin on BK's Quirky 'April' 7.0.1. I've now been using this as my 'daily' driver' for the whole of this year, a situation I don't see changing anytime soon. Yes, I keep up with the newest Puppies - I also run Fossapup, among several others - but I always return to Quirky 'lite' for general day-to-day activities.

I've also modified/re-built several additional packages for this Pup, all of which are mentioned in jrb's thread over at Murga-Linux:- ... 46aea33ca3

Just my tuppence-worth..!

Mike. ;)

Re: I want a modern puppy that boots fast from DVD

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2020 4:14 pm
by schober

I've decided to try
It is faster than Fatdog but not as fast as Wary.
I'm now having problems installing Palemoon, will continue this on new thread
Thanks to all who replied

Re: I want a modern puppy that boots fast from DVD

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 6:12 am
by Jafadmin

The only way to read data fast from a DVD is to have a fast DVD. General Relativity says that reading fast from a slow DVD defies the laws of physics (all the data gets red-shifted) .. :thumbup2: