How to get sound over HDMI in eSlacko64? (Closed)
This thread is dedicated to addressing how sound is suppose to be implemented in eSlacko64. It WAS originally brought to the forum on this post where screens showing findings are currently present.
The steps necessary for proper sound handling over HDMI when moving from an old style monitor and sound card to HDMI with sound carried over the HDMI cable needs helpful clarification.
The video card in question is nVidea via a PCI slot in each of the 3 PCs.
I have resorted to attempts at getting sound that are scattered as this is new, to me, on eSlacko64. Further with my scattered approaches, i consistently end with sound but NO volume controls. via the taskbar icon. Thus the ONLY manner of volume control is to find the remote and manually adjust using the remote versus the taskbar. And my most recent test arrive with sound for *.mp3 via its audio player (pmusic) and NO sound for *.mp4 video files via the video player (GNOME).
What is the recommended manner to arrive at sound over HDMI?
Why is one program, pmusic, OK and GNOME not having sound when the video playback?
Is NOT having volume control via the taskbar a proper behavior?
Thanks, in advance, for guidance