Hello Puppers...
Yet another printer driver question.
The environment
The machine is: Asus laptop A53Z with AMD A6-3420M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics.
The printer is: HP Officejet 4655 (all in one printer) using hpcups 3.18.6 driver.
The CUPS version is: CUPS 2.3.1.
The Distro is: fossapup64 9.6 (x86_64) mounted frugally on a flash drive.
The Goal
Currently, the printer's driver on the Asus laptop is 'hplip-3.18.6-bionicpup64' and is not correctly activating the printer.* See Note below.
The goal is to replace driver 'hplip-3.18.6-bionicpup64' with driver 'hplip-3.25.2.' to see if that solves the issue.
The Hewlet Packard website for HP drivers pointed to sourceforge.net for a download of a Linux 64bit Debian driver for HP Officejet 4655.
The download from sourceforge.net extracted into /root/Downloads.
I moved 'hplip-3.25.2' and 'hplip-3.25.2 run' away from Downloads to an external storage drive.
An error message appears when the script 'hplip-3.25.2 run' is activated. The message is "HPLIP-Install should not be placed as root". I chose not to continue.
How do I get the new driver into Fossapup64 system? And, where in the Fossapup64 system will the driver be placed?
OR ...
Perhaps I should be dealing directly with the CUPS 2.3.1 app and not Fossapup64?
https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imag ... tall/index
These install instructions are for 'sudo' commands not Puppy bash commands.
*Note: The interesting part is that the same printer running on another laptop (Dell) that is running Fossapup64 with a different CPU (Intel) runs without issues using the same driver,'hplip-3.18.6-bionicpup64' . A further curious part is that if the Frugal flash drives of Fossapup64 are switched between the machines, the Dell and the Asus, the Asus Laptop still has the same issue.
Perhaps the ADM processor is a concern? I've heard Puppy and ADM sometimes have issues.
Thank you in advance for your comments,