Okay everyone , this is going to be rather hard for me to explain everything , so please bare with me..
nearly a month ago i was on a dating site (match.com) and i'm sure most of you know how the "matching" works on those sites..and this is the typical "you received a message" situations , so to make this part of the long story shorter I'll skip ahead. so it's been about a month of random chit-chat over texting because i have her phone number ..
Now like i said before , this is difficult to type everything out and make it sound right.. we've exchanged photos and even talked on the phone.. And i will mention something specific about the phone calls in a min...
Well , here's the deal , things just don't add up... She claims to live in the LA california area , BUT !! being who I am and knowing what I know I'm always going to do my research.. Call me paranoid , but the internet is what it is. Like I said , We've exchanged pictures.. (and I think I've sent her only two) so I did a reverse image search of the first few pics she sent , nothing turned up, so i figure she has no social media presence , which that in it's sell would be unusual , but not unheard of .. she's has sent more pictures , two of which caught my eyes as being a little off .. because in the pictures you can see a car in the background with what appears to be a foreign License plate, longer and skinny like what they use in the UK (not in the USA) but the car it'self that she's standing next to (which she claims to be hers) has the steering wheel on the left side like in the USA. So what part of the world are cars like that??
There have been a few more recent pictures that , when i reverse image search I find a TikTok account , A Facebook and Instagram accounts and even a friggin OnlyFans!!!.. Now there's a few weird things about all of these accounts - excluding the OF because i don't pay for that stuff. , There has been no activity on any of them - in some cases a few years..
Now here's the kicker , on text messaging she said her name is Elisa Ivanonva and that she's originally from Ukraine .
But the REAL kicker is!!!! We've had video calls!!!!! 5 TIMES so far , I've literally seen her on video (basically facetime) i have android and she has iphone.. and the woman in the pictures DOES in fact match the woman on the video... But the thing is , the social media accounts say that her name is Aleksandra (sasha) Also known as ------
https://www.facebook.com/djsandrabass/a ... 378721601/
Sandra Bass!! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source= ... YLooIBknux
DJ Sandra Bass????? What is going on here??? She's not asking for money or anything else for that matter..Just talking , telling me about her day ETC so I mean WTF!!!!
As a matter of fact , As I type this post , she's texting me right now asking how I'm doing...
I'm asking opinions here , what are your thoughts???