@Sky Aisling / @mikeslr :-
mikeslr wrote: Thu Mar 20, 2025 8:42 pm
About the location LibreOffice saves files to: My best guess is that it defaults to offering to save to the last location used and since you hadn't used it yet, it defaulted to it's home=portable's folder. I just tried the following: Saved a new 'junk' file I named steed to my download folder on /mnt/home. To save it there, I had to select Other Locations on the Left Panel and File-Browse to it. Then created another junk text file and just clicked Save. As this screenshot shows, it's now defaulted to offering to Save to the last folder used, the aforementioned Downloads folder.
Yah; makes perfect sense (about the 'Home' directory).
The way the XDG protocol has been used in LibreOffice portable - to keep everything within the portable's directory (thanks to MochiMoppel for educating me about that stuff) - the $HOME variable is set to the $HERE one used in the LAUNCH script. Thus, unless otherwise specified, anything 'created' (i.e., 'saved') by any of the LibreOffice apps WILL default to that location.
I've noticed this with other portables, too. If I take a still photo with GuvcView-portable, I no longer bother to specify a location; I automatically look in the portable's own directory, because for me it just makes more sense to auto-save them there. Keeps everything together in one place.....and with the way it's set up, when presented with the 'Save/Save as' dialogue it initially opens within the portable's directory anyway.
I created a directory there named 'Captures'.....and after specifying that location the first time, all still captures now go there automatically. To me, that's useful behaviour.....and means I don't have to remember WHERE I've saved the things, because they ALWAYS save to the same place.
This behaviour should apply to the LibreOffice-portable, I would imagine...and indeed, any of the portables where I've employed the XDG protocol stuff. Not all portables use it; for some, it just doesn't appear to work, because they seem to be 'hard-coded' to only look in 'global' default locations.....and many others, I simply haven't got around to modifying them yet. Some, I daresay I probably never will.