Bought this laptop about 5 years ago during covid pandemic, when i needed a emergency laptop to do online work and school. It was 200 bucks and the only computer they had lol people had bought everything up. It served me well, i did school and work on this thing, it had Windows 10 on it but is S mode windows 10.
I kid you not, about 2 years on this thing and then it starts running windows 10 super slowly after a bunch of updates etc. It was getting hot after about an hour of using it. I put it away and then i practiced messing around on it while getting my E1505 up and running.
opening it up, its basically a glorified smart phone motherboard, there's nothing you can upgrade inside really, everything soldered in, 64GB, 4gb Ram, it has no fan and a large heat sink.Streaming video was hard on it on windows, heats up and performance goes down significantly unless i used a cooling pad. Its all plastic, weird thing, it has a really good keyboard and decent sound.
I crack this thing back up to test running my BW64 off my USB and this thing run better than ever. You can probably get this computer for less than 50 bucks bucks or free. I'm just saying if you're in a bind or have this laying around it runs, very well!
8c cooler than my E1505 and about 2x faster, but i like the nostalgia of my e1505. This would be a perfect computer for a kid, its simple and makes no noises, if it breaks it breaks.
Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 1-14AST-05
SysInfo Kernel: 6.1.106
Display: 1366x768 @ 60.00Hz
CPU: AMD A6-9220e RADEON R4 2C+3G (2) @ 1.600GHz [32.2°C]
GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R2/R3/R4/R5 Graphics
hate it or love it thats pretty dope and its not getting hot....BW64 tested via USB