To me it is more about learning how you have to do stuff in a specific program.
If you are not going to use single click navigation in ROX. (can UN-select in options)
Then you are using double click navigation operation.
A single left click selects and highlights the item.
A double left click activates the item.
Then make sure you are using the right click menu, on what is highlighted, by a single left click.
Do not try to right click on some other item, that is not the one that is right now highlighted.
First single click on it to highlight (select) and then right click, to get the right click menu, to select options for this specific highlighted item.
Rox is designed for single click operation and that is how it works best.
A single left click activates the item.
A single right click, brings up right click menu options, to select for the item.
It is a single left or right click on an item. And it is only on that specific item.
If you do not like how a program is coded to work.
Then go find a different program to use.
If all programs worked the same way.
Why would you ever need a different program?
Why would you spend time developing and coding a different program.
In Rox delete is just that, delete it is gone.
That is the way the program is designed to work.
It does not have delete to trash operation coded into it.
Other file managers, use delete to move something to trash location, and it is removed, but recoverable.
Because of Rox delete and it not having the trash function.
That is why there is Puppy trash in all Puppy versions.
Drag and drop to Puppy trash, if you want to remove something, but later be able to recover it.
Some Puppy versions have added the Puppy trash to the right click menu in Rox.
If it has it.
Selecting the trash option will remove the item to the Puppy trash.