Well, Mozilla is completely and utterly ruining Firefox in spectacularly and outrageously bad ways. It'll soon be as bad, or worse, of a privacy nightmare than Chrome is!
I recommend watching this entire video for details and context including their prior terrible decisions and actions that led up to this REALLY terrible decision and action. It's 20 minutes but very much worth it:
You're granting them a worldwide license to use EVERYTHING you ever enter into, or upload through, Firefox. Talk about horrible! Also they now have a new terms of use policy (never had one before!) and related agreements you must accept that are extremely loosely-written and overly-broad so that anything Mozilla doesn't like (politically, etc.) can now be called a violation of the terms of use. If you express an opinion to the right of Karl Marx, they can call it a violation of their new terms of use. I'm serious, watch the video above, he explains it. There is also abusable "weasel language" about disclosing data in response to requests from governments.
So, EasyOS ought to ditch Firefox and provide a fork of it without all the spyware and opinion-control crap. Librewolf perhaps, and I've heard of others (Waterfox, several more). Nobody's sure what those alternatives are going to do yet, but I suspect they won't go along with this completely unacceptable, Google-like "total spying" crap and the control over freedom of expression.
Just wanted to let you all know, especially Barry. It's time for us all to figure out what is the best open-source fork of Firefox, with all this spying and speech-control crap ripped out, that we all need to migrate to. I'm sure Barry will put it into EasyOS for us.
What a sad day. I've been using Firefox since something like 2000-2001 or so, when it was still called Firebird. Now it's ruined, probably forever. Its market share will soon go from tiny to nearly non-existent, and they now richly DESERVE for that to happen.