Barry's original puppyinstaller script, modified to install exclusively to internal drives, combined with the powerful EasyOS Limine Boot Manager. It makes both frugal and full installs super-easy!
The first window of the original script is skipped, as though you had clicked the button 'install to an internal drive'. So now the first window of the installer is this:
The installer goes through all of the normal steps, giving you the option of a full install or frugal install to a hard drive. The code has been adjusted to handle the additional sfs'es used in modern pups. At the end, you are given the choice of running the EasyOS Limine Installer (for both EFI and MBR) or GRUB4DOS.
Custom entries are also automatically generated for GRUB2, rEFInd, and GRUB4DOS.
Changelog for version 0.9:
- Updated the Limine EFI binaries to 8.7, for a graphical background
- Added a check for /etc/DISTRO_SPECS in Linux full installs, so the correct Puppy kernel options are added
- Install script copies ucode.cpio (if it exists) to the destination directory
- The Limine Installer adds an extra MODULE_PATH line for ucode.cpio, if it exists. Also, the auto-generated rEFInd, GRUB2, and GRUB4DOS menu entries also include ucode.cpio (if it exists)
- Broadened the Limine Installer's frugal install detection so sfs'es not containing the word 'puppy' are also added. (May result in false positives if you added extra sfs'es in your frugal folder; if so, review choices carefully before selecting.)
Known issues:
- Sometimes, particularly if there are very large drives or a large number of installs, the Limine Installer doesn't detect all of the installations. If that happens, run it again
- On legacy BIOS non-efi systems, frugal installs to fat32 partitions on secondary drives can't be booted. Fix is to label the partition in gparted
- Legacy BIOS non-efi boot menu has no background graphic (as it is still Limine 7.12)