Email sent to Administration looking for Help (Xenialpup64.7.5 change browser)

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Email sent to Administration looking for Help (Xenialpup64.7.5 change browser)

Post by rockedge »

I received this email letter the other day and I told the sender I would post the request and see if we could put some notes together or links to information to the question:

I'm hoping you can help me, I have an old lappy with Xenialpup64.7.5 on it.
for about the last 4 years I have used Pale moon as my browser. a while
back PaleMoon stopped updating So I downloaded a copy of Firefox, then
realised I had totally forgotten how to change browsers. Can you help out
with this please, ideally with a step by step walk through would be ideal
but whatever you can offer would be appreciated. Please bear in mind that I
am a 77 yo user and don't know much puppylinux in depth.
I initially came across Puppy from an article ab.out 10 years ago in the
Sunday Times(UK) and thought I'd explore it, its been very good to me over
the years.

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Re: Email sent to Administration looking for Help

Post by mikewalsh »

@rockedge :-

I think that's @LeithR , Erik. I've been rather remiss here, I fear.

He PM'd me about 3 weeks ago, asking the same thing. I read the message, and left the window open, meaning to reply a few minutes later.....I was in the middle of something I couldn't really put down for any length of time, else I'd forget where I'd got to. As bad luck would have it, what I was doing resulted in Puppy temporarily freezing on me, and the only way to recover from it was a restart of 'X', followed by some "adjustments" to make sure it didn't happen again.....

Of course, this closed the browser.....and since it took me longer than expected to set things right again, by the time Puppy was happy once more I'd completely forgotten about the PM. There's several things I don't like about getting older, and forgetfulness is one of them.

LeithR will need hand-holding right the way through re-installing a new browser, and will need a complete step-by-step guide, otherwise he'll get easily lost. I suspect he's run into the same problem as I did with this Pentium G5400; it'll do everything except make you a cup of java (!!), but it doesn't have the AVX instructions that Pale Moon now requires to run. He'll probably need Nuck-TH's SSE2 build; this is the one I'm now using for the portable Pale Moon.

Anybody that's got AVX - most CPUs have, but Intel deliberately crippled these Pentiums to "steer" you toward a more expensive CPU! - can use the mainline build, and it'll update in-situ like it always has. The SSE2 build needs updating manually with a new version of the portable each time.

I would try to find time for this, but we're in the middle of major redecorating ATM.....and there'll be ructions if I take 'time out' for computer-related stuff. :oops: LeithR probably thinks I'm ignoring him, but truth to tell I'd completely forgotten all about it until just now...

Mike. :|

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Re: Email sent to Administration looking for Help

Post by Flash »

I don't know what he means by 'change browsers', but here's how I do it:

  • Download Firefox from and move it to an appropriate location. (I use /, to make it easy to find.)
    Unpack (unzip) it
    Make the resulting Firefox directory executable. (In Rox, just right-click on the directory, choose Permissions, then Yes.)
    Open the Firefox directory, find the gear-shaped icon labeled firefox and make it executable too, just to be sure.
    Drag the gear-shaped icon onto the desktop, which makes a link on the desktop to /Firefox/firefox.
    Click the gear-shaped icon on the desktop to open Firefox.

I don't know how to tell it how to find settings from other browsers.

Chaos coordinator :?
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