I created a new virtual interface
iw dev wlan0 interface add wlan1 type station
Run iwconfig -a ... to see the interfaces, mine for instance shows the addition of a wlan124
(you can delete using iw dev wlan124 del)
Assign a new mac to that to avoid conflicts
ip link set dev wlan124 address 00:d0:56:f2:b5:12
(I just picked a valid mac at random)
I have to use Fatdog control panel, network, network setup (cli version) to associate and connect that to whatever ssid/access point, as Fatdog's desktop gui network tool didn't work for me with multiple wifi's. ... and great, its all up and running where the same single wifi hardware in my laptop is connected to two different SSID's
I tried to set up namespace based routing ...
To create a new namespace named test:
ip netns add test
Assign a network interface to that
ip link set wlan124 netns test
... but that failed. i.e. my intent was to then/subsequently execute a program in that namespace using something like ...
ip netns exec test <command to run against that namespace>
So fundamentally, two issues :
1. Fatdog gui network controller isn't as functional as the cli based version (that does support multiple wifi associations)
2. How can I direct/route specific commands/programs through to a particular SSID
PS When you have two (or presumably more) wifi ssid's recorded in wpa_gui (Network Tool), the wifi tab Manage Settings aren't preserved across reboots. For instance with two SSID's, one set to 'disabled' and wifi net connected to the other (enabled) interface, after a reboot I find that the disabled interface is enabled and has become the active connection.