A good idea having one program that allows you to select make a backup or restore a backup.
But I really do not like using the word restore.
If the backup save was compressed when it was made.
The restore option does change it into an UN-compressed backup and give it an added name RESTORED.
But it is still the backup save made at a specific point in time. That information is no longer in the name. Date it was made.
I fear someone is going to think they just restored the old broken save and using this save labeled RESTORED will have everything that was in the broken save.
Which it will not.
When the restore option is used on a not compressed save.
All it is doing is deleting the .BKP and date time info from the name of the backup save.
Change the name to save name-RESTORED.
No more information on it still being a backup made at this specific date.
I fear someone is going to think they just restored the old broken save and using this save labeled RESTORED will have everything that was in the broken save.
Which it will not.
Look at this with several saves present that this program has provided.
Took original save and did normal backup and a compressed backup.
Took the normal backup save and selected restore.
It just renamed the backup with now only added -REDTORED to the name and no date time info.
I used restore option on the compressed backup.
It UN-compressed it and gave it the same name that was already being used, when I restored the not compressed backup save.
So it replaced that restored backup and it is not there anymore as another restored labeled backup..
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The only thing close to restoring is UN-compressing a compressed backup save, so it can now be used as a save to boot with.
Restoring it to a usable UN-compressed state.
The restore option is making a copy of the backup selected to restore.
So now have two of the same backup save.
Well, never can have too many backups.
But again, no date time label on the RESTORED one, no idea restored from what?