Crumbs crumbs wrote: Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:20 pm
Also, tor won't start because the os doesn't want me to open tor browser as root.
Can I not be root by any chance ?
What operating system are you running?
if you are running a debian based puppy linux and you install TOR Browser with APT or synaptic package manager then open a terminal and launch it with
In case you are using the tarball file downloaded from the official website, then you have to use a different approach.
The TOR Browser launching script has a "if" function to check whether the user who is launching it is root or not. For security reasons it does not allow you to be root and execute the software.
It is trivial to remove this check, you just need to browser the folder where you have unpacked your TOR Browser files, then you need to edit this file with a text editor eg leafpad
Code: Select all
leafpad tor-browser/Browser/start-tor-browser
inside the directory tor-browser -> Browser there is a script file called start-tor-browser
open it with a text editor and find those lines
Code: Select all
if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
complain "The Tor Browser should not be run as root. Exiting."
exit 1
you need to comment those out with a # in front of each lines,your final work must be like this
Code: Select all
#if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
# complain "The Tor Browser should not be run as root. Exiting."
# exit 1
save the file and re-launch TOR Browser.