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Basilisk Web-Browser Portable Framework

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:17 pm
by mikeslr

Both 32 and 64bit, but requires glibc of at least 2.28

peebee's inclusion of Basilisk Web-browser in his recent Puppys, ... 57#p139757 triggered my curiousity. "Basilisk is a free and Open Source XUL-based web browser, featuring the well-known Firefox-style interface and operation. It is based on the Goanna layout and rendering engine (a fork of Gecko) and builds on the Unified XUL Platform (UXP), which in turn is a fork of the Mozilla code base without Servo or Rust."

Consequently, some of the thousands of Addons developed before firefox changed with the publication of firefox-quantum can still be used. Warning, finding ones that will work is ‘hit or miss’. One you may want to consider is NetVideoHunter 1.20 which enables downloading some videos.

Basilisk seems to run as well or better than palemoon.

What I liked about basilisk is that its developers maintain it and some useful addons. That makes it a superior product to Waterfox-classic. You can peruse Addons here,

and will be able to directly install them using basilisk’s internal Addon manager.

That Addon manager also enables you to directly install the Classic Addon Manager, ... /tag/2.0.3, after which you can install 'the old' firefox’s XUL Addons, among those the aforementioned NetVideoHunter.

Following is a portable ‘framework’. I just flinched the one Mikewalsh :thumbup: used in firefox-portable and did some editing. [No reason to re-invent the wheel :) ]. It can be used with either the 32 or 64 bit basilisk, but not at the same time. If you want to use it with both you’ll have to dos some editing.

How to use:
1. Create a folder named basilisk-portable.
2. Download your choice of the Linux tar.xz builds from here,
3. Extract the tar.xz. You’ll find a folder named just basilisk (may be one level deep within the extractionfolder).
4. Move that into your basilisk-portable folder.
5. Download the attached basilisk-portable-framework.tar.gz.

(10.22 KiB) Downloaded 33 times

6. Extract it and move its contents into your basilisk-portable folder.

You’re good to go. As with Mikewalsh’s portables you can locate the portable folder anywhere; Left-Clicking the LAUNCH script will start the application; Left-Clicking the Menu-Add script will create a Menu-entry and Left-Clicking the Menu-Remove script will remove it. Web-cache and a profile (bookmarks, addons, customizations) will be stored in a folder named ‘profile’* within your basilisk-portable folder. The basilisk-portable-folder can be moved and copied. Your basilisk can be updated using its Help Menu.

* As with Mikewalsh's firefox-portables, you can create and run basilisk with different profiles, for example one for casual work, another with hightend security. Duplicate the LAUNCH script, giving the duplicate a different name: e.g. sLAUNCH for the secure version. Edit the lines

mkdir "$HERE/profile" 2> /dev/null
"$HERE/basilisk/basilisk" "$@" -profile "$HERE/profile"

to read something like

mkdir "$HERE/secure" 2> /dev/null
"$HERE/basilisk/basilisk" "$@" -secure "$HERE/secure"

Run the secure version by Left-Clicking sLAUNCH. To add a menu listing would require creating an edited version of Menu-Add and /DATA/basilisk-portable.desktop and its Exec= argument so as to avoid conflict with the 'regular' version. It's easier just to bookmark the portable folder for easy access when you want to run with a different profile.

Re: Basilisk Web-Browser Portable Framework

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:55 pm
by pp4mnklinux



Re: Basilisk Web-Browser Portable Framework

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 1:34 am
by mikeslr

Well, first off, to avoid any misunderstanding, even though he is loquacious the publisher of the Youtube isn't me. :)

A note about Search engines. You can add Google, if you want it. But even when added and selected you will not be able to use your microphone to enter your search argument. That's the only downside to basilisk that I've noticed.