BluePup Bluetooth manager GUI
BluePup is a GUI wrapper around 'bluetoothctl' commandline utility. The first BluePup was in 2016, then it languished. Now, it has been mostly rewritten and has new lease on life.
BluePup is not yet a PET, but the aim is that a PET can be created that will work on all pups. It requires gtkdialog with vte support, bluez and bt-tools packages. I currently have it working in EasyPup, and as bits of infrastructure are required to make it work, such as a special udev rule and a special Multiple Sound Card Wizard, it is probably best to test it in it's known working environment and get any bugs out, before creating a PET for other pups.
That's my thinking anyway. Here is a blog post with snapshots, a mini-tutorial: ... -2491.html
I haven't progressed as far a mistfire with pBluetooth, two-way file transfer, as I don't know anything about obex.
Let's see if I can embed one of those snapshots:
Anyway, testers welcome, bug reports welcome. And if anyone has a few clues about obex, mods to the code very welcome!
Oh, yes, the latest EasyPup is announced here: ... eased.html
And forum announcement:
...let me know if you find any bugs in that too!